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Swordmaster Énekes : Whiplasher
Dobos : Terror
Gitáros : Nightmare
Gitáros : Beast X Electric
A banda 1993ban alakul a svédországi Strömstadban. Nightmare, a zenekar gitárosa polgári nevén Emil Nödtveidt a Dissection frontemberének, Jon Nödtveidtnek a testvére. Feloszlásuk után több régebbi tag,köztük Nightmare, megalapították a Deathstars nevû indtustrial formációt.

Albumok :

Blackened Night (demo) (1994)
 1.1. When Triumph Returns (7:15) 
2.2. The Scene of Night Vaults (4:21) 
3.3. Blackened Might (4:56) 
Studio Reh, March 94 (demo) (1994)
Swordmaster - Studio Reh, March 94 (demo)1.1. True Nocturnal Spirit (6:15) 
2.2. In Starlit Chambers (Carpathian Woe) (7:25) 
3.3. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi (Outro) (2:56) 
Wraths Of Time (EP) (1995)
Swordmaster - Wraths Of Time (EP)1.1. Wraths of Time (5:36) 
2.2. Upon Blood and Ashes... (5:15) [watch video]
3.3. Conspiracy - Preview (2:49) 4. Outro (0:27) 
4.4. Outro (0:27) 
Blood Must Be Shed / Wraths of Time(Split) (1996)
Swordmaster - Blood Must Be Shed / Wraths of Time(Split)1.Zyklon B 1. Mental Orgasm (2:54) 
2.Zyklon-B 2. Bloodsoil (2:25) 
3.Zyklon-B 3. Warfare (5:35) 
4.Swordmaster 4. Wraths of Time (5:37) 
5.Swordmaster 5. Upon Blood and Ashes (5:17) 
6.Swordmaster . Conspiracy - Preview (2:56) 
Post Mortem Tales (full album) (1997)
Swordmaster - Post Mortem Tales (full album)1.1. Intro (0:13) 
2.. The Masters Possession (6:55) 
3.3. Crush to Dust (4:14) [watch video]
4.4. Postmortem Tales (4:52) 
5.5. Past Redemption (4:02) 
6.6. Claws of Death (5:38) 
7.7. Blood Legacy (4:02) 
8.8. The Serpent Season (4:39) 
9.9. Metallic Devastation (6:23) [watch video]
10.10. Black Ace (4:16) 
Deathraider (EP) (1998)
Swordmaster - Deathraider (EP)1.1. Death Rider 2000 (4:50) 
2.2. Firefall of the Fireball (5:04) 
3.3. Necronaut Psychout (4:23) 
4.4. Iron Corpse (1:44) 
5.5. Stand for the Fire Demon (5:19) 
Moribund Transgoria (full album) (1998)
Swordmaster - Moribund Transgoria (full album)1.1. Deathspawn of the Eibound (3:44) 
2.2. Towards Erotomech Eve (4:27) 
3.3. The Angels and the Masters (4:31) 
4.4. Metalmorphosis - The Sweat of Cain (4:37) 
5.5. Sulphur Skelethrones (3:06) 
6.6. Moribund Transgoria (4:16) 
7.7. Doom at Motordome (4:13) 
8.8. The Grotesque Extravaganza (6:38) 

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