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Thergothon Vocals, Keyboard : Niko Sirkiä
Guitar : Mikko Ruotsalainen
Drums, Guitar, Vocals : Jori Sjöroos

Thergothon are considered to be one of the true pioneers of the funeral doom style where they played death metal at excruciatingly slow tempos previously unheard of.

Niko Sirkiä also had a record company called Demonosound and a fanzine called Hammer of Damnation.

Albumok :

Stream from the Heavens (1994)
Thergothon - Stream from the Heavens1.Everlasting 
2.Yet the Watchers Guard 
3.The Unknown Kadath in the Cold Waste 
5.Who Rides the Astral Wings 
6.Crying Blood + Crimson Snow 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Pantherion, Isten Átka, Hypothermia, jenci, Dascov, komek, Worldfall

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