Something About The Atomic Age (2007) |
 | 1. | The Way Of The Atomic Age | 2. | VS AIEA | 3. | We March In The Noise (Against The New Global Order) | 4. | Montanara (Industrial Mix) (Feat. D.B.P.I.T.) | 5. | Ota Benga Pt. 2: Versione Alternativa (Extended Horror Version Mixed By TSIDMZ) (Feat. Rose Rovine E Amanti) | 6. | Atomic: The Iran Power |
Research On Human Dementia (2007) |
 | 1. | [distopia] - The Grand Mal Theorem | 2. | TSIDMZ - Futurism Against Humanity | 3. | TSIDMZ & [distopia] - Kill And Purify | 4. | TSIDMZ - Democratic Pig | 5. | [distopia] - Calibanism |
Various - Winter Of Dissonance - CD2 (2007) |
 | 1. | Immundus - Candles (A Winter`s Witchery Remix) | 2. | Aktion T4 - Frozen Portrait | 3. | DespondentMassAtrophy - Cold Dead Flesh | 4. | Gas Masked Lestat - Winter Ritual | 5. | Nuclear Nation - The Dark Fog | 6. | TSIDMZ - A Desperate Winter Symphony | 7. | Saemskin - Nightime Avalanche | 8. | Regnum Nocturnus - Winter Ghost | 9. | Holopain - Wintermute | 10. | Merankorii - Storm | 11. | Dust Eater - Chess Master Cold Winter Day | 12. | DemetriusGrave - In The End |
Various - The World Of The Evil Dead (2007) |
 | 1. | Life`s Decay - Retroscape | 2. | iNsCissorS - Vulturine Playground Act I | 3. | [distopia] - Pins And Needles | 4. | Re: Dux Tion - Resurrection Of The Soulless | 5. | Mytrip & Animassacre - Dump The Bodies | 6. | Deadskin - Wombat (Divine Reaction Rmx) | 7. | Killhoula - How To Make A Horror Movie (Revisited) | 8. | TSIDMZ - We March In The Suicide Noise | 9. | Doomseeker - Terrorform | 10. | Deszumidifikato - I Don`t Wanna See U Die | 11. | Gas Masked Lestat - Animal Cannibalism | 12. | Decadent Masquerade - Nightly Horrors | 13. | Dust Eater - The Shadow Of Halloween | 14. | In[Perfektion] - Evilution | 15. | Synthetika - The Last Man On Earth | 16. | ForceQuitFunction - Creep |
Various - Military : Fetish : Muzak - Pt. 3 (2007) |
 | 1. | Heiliges Licht - Untitled | 2. | Sombre Espoir - Emphyseme | 3. | TSIDMZ - Love, Folk And The Berlin Wall | 4. | Isomer - Corps Sacre | 5. | Club Moral - L`Enfer Est Intime | 6. | Femina Dominus Est - Krieger, Herrin & Strassen | 7. | Argentum - Imperium | 8. | Ich Hatt` Einen Kameraden - In The Line Of Fire | 9. | Rosemary Malign - Untitled | 10. | Tod Feat. Mortualia - The Return |
Various - Laughing In The Face Of Mainstream - CD4 (2007) |
 | 1. | Kidsok Nuit - Pseudosonorium | 2. | Chondrin - Loose Yourself | 3. | NIGGERCHRIST - Pissing As I Cum | 4. | La Vie Gaspillée - As The Winds Gain Power | 5. | R For Rixone - The Journey | 6. | Aeger - Zenite | 7. | FARS - Greifswald | 8. | Fuckmaker - Venomoth Battle Strategy | 9. | Noise Nazi - [Untitled] | 10. | Matsudo - Monotonia | 11. | Bottmfeedr - Blood Lust | 12. | :JSD18: - Oogkaspenetratie | 13. | DJ CLONEPA - 80AAALH3BMX R2 | 14. | BBR - icameonbrokenteeth | 15. | Spacekitti - Nobody Cares | 16. | TSIDMZ - Final War In The Desert | 17. | Chasing Stupid vs Violence Cotton - Drone Don`t Kill Me + Arabcore Fist And Nose Jam | 18. | Pu:ppkakkbaggrlull - A Dance To The Music Of Time | 19. | Decadent Masquerade - People Die |
Various - Smell The Stench Second Net Compilation - Pt. 3 (2007) |
 | 1. | Dedxound - Zufundus | 2. | The Noisettes - Texas Storm Front | 3. | Mystified - Off-Kilter | 4. | Re dux tion - Forewarning | 5. | Loopool - The Pearl | 6. | TSIDMZ - Leave Your Dream | 7. | D.P.P. - Head Held High | 8. | Ghoul Detail - Dead Girls Eyes | 9. | Black Noise - Äiti The Creator | 10. | Atläs - Animal Bone (Part I) | 11. | Ewe - La Voix Des Morts | 12. | SKLO - Sea Of Glass | 13. | Black Saturn vs. Subduxtion - Children Of The Noise | 14. | Roberto Villares - Leto, El Invasor | 15. | J. Huntington Chase - White Buffalo | 16. | Man vs Nature - Shakes Alive! | 17. | Deathorientation - Midnight 23 June 2007 | 18. | Djet - EVX |
Various - Chaoz Records Net Compilation (2007) |
 | 1. | DJ Disease - Nymphetamine | 2. | Fever Spoor - Averij | 3. | Traits - Much Madda | 4. | Lijn 12 - Buitenspel | 5. | Audiocum - Smash Dementia 2007 | 6. | Historian - Watch And Learn | 7. | Goreky - Fern Radio | 8. | Noisegekanker A Gogo - Geen Vreugd | 9. | Pitbull Pleasures - Angstige Askop | 10. | Stirner Ft. JohnnyTrash - Backstabber (JT HarshTrance Rmx) | 11. | Killgore - Vroem Vroem Gaspedaal In | 12. | Abismo - Ojos De Perro Azul | 13. | HLLO/SMN - Untitled | 14. | CannibaL HolocausT - Fuck U Mov | 15. | Whoo Hoo - HappyRabbitSunshineShoes | 16. | Tim McCartney - Gisteren | 17. | Prophex - Five Dollar Clothes | 18. | Apophallation - El Sexo De Ibiza | 19. | DJ Ninja Love Mistake - Eating Raw Sewage Is Healthier Than This Diet | 20. | Gruuthaagy - Sufficient Sufferance | 21. | Re: Dux Tion - Far From Refuge | 22. | Terdor - Amgedpha No More | 23. | Retro - My First Heartstroke | 24. | Voek - Were Troopers | 25. | The Bottmfeedr - Terror Cloud | 26. | Abstrakt Sound - City Of Fear (Noizzz Remixxx) | 27. | DJ Gaybar - Galliet Drinkt Bier (En Wordt Dronken) | 28. | Absturz - Here`s My Noize To Waste Your Astral Mood, U Braindead Jaded Industrial Nazi Fukkks | 29. | Heptotrocitron - Flood Peckham | 30. | Jesus Raves - Shupa Party | 31. | DemetriusGrave - Parasites | 32. | Apator Bigband - Apator Bigband Hates You | 33. | Alex Spalding - Barley Wine | 34. | Eraritjaritjaka - I`ve Come To Swallow The Sun | 35. | Ex Deth!!! - Black People Love Techno | 36. | Breakdancing Ronald Reagan - Crust Is Gay | 37. | DJ Dontnomuch - European Popcorn B-Boying With Niggers | 38. | Mazagene - Project 901 | 39. | Pichismo - La Sekto | 40. | Ogreplasm - Reptile Transmissions (Excerpt) | 41. | Argentum - Nada Merece Ser Conservado | 42. | Sympathetic Division - Cold Memory (Memento) | 43. | Oneiric Imperium - Kiss The Girl With Dirt In Her Mouth | 44. | Vermin Bordello - Gra Vel P2 | 45. | On The Rim Of The Wheel A Nail - Get Yourself A POW If You`re In Heat | 46. | TheOKa - Running Life | 47. | :JSD18: - Oogkaspenetratie | 48. | Necroanal - The Vile Genital Rotting Plague Spread By Monetary Contact | 49. | Zahnrad - Fecundisatio | 50. | Matt Bleak - One Month No Sleep | 51. | P.K.A. - Random Noise Experiment | 52. | TSIDMZ - Brains Under Control | 53. | R-Tek - Be Is Not Enough |
Various - Killing In The Name Of Reverend Murder... Is Our Business (Vol.1) (2008) |
 | 1. | Sarratum - Burning Tree | 2. | Naecroset - Time To Die | 3. | Parya - Macabre | 4. | June Five - Consuming The Kill | 5. | Cyborg Project - Chaos | 6. | One Dead Fuck - Kill Perfect Kill | 7. | Fleischwald - Industrial Death | 8. | TSIDMZ vs [distopia] - Kill And Purify | 9. | Merankorii - Adramelech`s Death | 10. | Spear Induced Carnage - Programmed For Carnage | 11. | Des Integration - Execution Of Mind (Satan`s Drugstore) | 12. | Miel Noir - Raskolnokov Murderer | 13. | Devilwork - Slaughtering | 14. | Dark House Mafia - I Kill To Cum | 15. | 3:15 A.M. - They Found Her Naked In A Bag With 57 Stab Wounds (Premeditation Mix) |
Various - "[RAAO]" [Re-Apocalypse Automatic Orchestra] (2008) |
![TSIDMZ - Various - "[RAAO]" [Re-Apocalypse Automatic Orchestra]](/kepek/zenekarok/t/tsidmz/7832.variousraaoreapocalypseautomaticorchestra.album.jpg) | 1. | Uior - Armageddon | 2. | STØJ - Journey to Jahannam | 3. | A.XL - Labarynthine | 4. | Pyramid Head - Joke is my Life remix | 5. | Gottschalk Vs Joviator - Clash of Civilizations | 6. | Kenji Siratori / Man:Sha - [RAAO] Self Unit | 7. | Sex Is Drug - [RAAO] Mix | 8. | Mummy Lee - Akira`s mix | 9. | Burglecut - Re-Apocalyptik Orchestra | 10. | Terry Childers - Copper on my Eyes | 11. | Seiei Jack - Dance mix | 12. | Be Still Cat - Exensha | 13. | Lodemidiquail - Chkdsk Mix | 14. | TSIDMZ - My Post-Atomic Ambient War | 15. | A.XL - Astern De Enoch | 16. | Animal Machine - Larvae | 17. | The Joke Project - [RAAO] | 18. | Electromagnetic Bomb - (((emb))) Automatic | 19. | Electromagnetic Bomb - (((emb))) Automatic 2 | 20. | Thee Moths - The Joke Project mix | 21. | Screen Of Sorrow - Deathagony | 22. | Necroanal - Apostatic xx | 23. | Man:Sha - [RAAO] | 24. | Ronny Wærnes - This is my Joke | 25. | Eternal Slavery & Damnation - Send me a nuke | 26. | "CYGORE" Hologoreminator - Remix 0 | 27. | "CYGORE" Hologoreminator - Remix 1 | 28. | "CYGORE" Hologoreminator - Remix 2 | 29. | Nikkie Hills - Joke is my Life | 30. | Seiei Jack - Voglio una Donna 2007 | 31. | Hal McGEE - Kichen Sink mix | 32. | Seiei Jack - Tribute to Psychodrama | 33. | Format Noise - Rottenburg remix | 34. | Aatmaa - Apocalypse | 35. | Here Be Monsters - Aloof Traipse by ZH27 |
Various - Landwirtschaft Pt. 2 (2008) |
 | 1. | TSIDMZ - Openfield | 2. | Grabstein - Harvest | 3. | Heiliges Licht - Wir Fürchten Unseren Herrgott Nicht... | 4. | Barbarossa Umtrunk - Le Sang Et Le Sol | 5. | Front Sonore - The Scarred Land | 6. | Sala Delle Colonne - Il Pittore Delle Agonie | 7. | Durch Heer Und Kraft - Ki Bőven Vet | 8. | Zr19.84 - Alone Again | 9. | Argentum - El Pasado Por Venir | 10. | Waffenruhe Feat. Heiliges Licht - Bau Auf! | 11. | Grabstein - Pig (Bonus) |
Various - 404 Fatal Terrors - CD2 (2008) |
 | 1. | Taog Susej - Damnation Prophecy | 2. | The Vault - Theurgia Goethia Summa Congressmoneus Cum Dae | 3. | Fonnia - Dnarkra | 4. | Burial Hex - Delirium Tremens | 5. | a.:s. - A D | 6. | Demonologists - White Torn Judgement | 7. | TSIDMZ - Wailing Leoninds (Mental Terrorism Horror Space Ambient Mix) | 8. | Fucknife - Churn &Feltch | 9. | Heirdrain - Vibration Obscure | 10. | Isolation Chamber - Dead City | 11. | Noise+Nurse - Intensive Body Decay | 12. | Defractory - Kenchk | 13. | Déhà - Deadline | 14. | Pneumothorax - Créature | 15. | Demetrius Grave - 62 Years Of Joy | 16. | Grabstein - Kraft Durch Freude |
Various - Hinterkaifeck. The Peace Of Heaven In A Rotten World. A Taste Of Bitterness. (2008) |
 | 1. | Zr19.84 with Heiliges Licht - Empor Die Herzen (Version I) | 2. | Svart1 - Das Haus Von Kindern | 3. | Ensomhet 777 - Hinterkaifeck I | 4. | Heiliges Licht - Near Groebern Deep In The Woods | 5. | TSIDMZ - Incestuous Relationship | 6. | K. - Hinterkaifeck II | 7. | Heiliges Licht - Waechter | 8. | TSIDMZ - A Murder Symphony | 9. | Zr19.84 - Small Grey Cathode Mind | 10. | Winter Within with Ensomhet 777 - Part X |
Various - Maolympic Games (2008) |
 | 1. | Die Rote Form - Students Make Nice Bloody Puddles | 2. | TSIDMZ - Chinese Capitalism | 3. | Vomiting Puppy Assault - Firedrake Venom | 4. | Nezumi - The Red Storm Over China | 5. | Grauhund - 三民主義 (Instrumental) |
Various - The Third Eye Is A Hole In The Head (2008) |
 | 1. | Tele-Byte Ctrl. - Transfiguration | 2. | TSIDMZ - Mental Terrorism | 3. | Re:Duxtion - Blood Volume | 4. | Neuntöter Der Plage - A Bloody Disc Of Bone Between Your Realm And Mine | 5. | Jörmungandr - Mining The Amalgymda | 6. | Sick To The Back Teeth - Gentle On My MInd | 7. | Traitor Effigy - Pulse Until Penetration | 8. | One Lifeless Eye - Wound From Which Purity Flows | 9. | Firearm - Avgrundskval + Borr | 10. | Ov Korpse - Underneath The Grave, Over The Shadow |
Heiliges Licht - Friendship Is Everything Pt. 2 (2008) |
 | 1. | Untitled (Feat. K.) | 2. | U Juznoj Austiji (Feat. Bleiburg) | 3. | Untitled (Feat. SnowW.Wwhite) | 4. | Untitled (Feat. Zr19.84) | 5. | Expectancy & Hope Pt. 2 (Feat. Summer In Prypjat) | 6. | Clinic Of Torture (Feat. Zex Muzak) | 7. | ...Doch Das Licht Erlosch! (Feat. TSIDMZ) | 8. | Nach Dem Krieg (Feat. Von Thronstahl) |
Various - Ascetic Sperm Diet: Girls, Guns & Pierre Molinier - CD1 (2008) |
 | 1. | Fear Konstruktor - Monochrome Blood | 2. | Narcosa_ - Néantisme Dans Le Miroir Sanglant | 3. | TSIDMZ - Nihilism And Art | 4. | Dead.Circuit - La Fin De Peau | 5. | Steam Engine Of The Meat Machine - The Ominous Sore | 6. | Mystified - Hair And Lace | 7. | Super Collider - The Leather Cures The Urge | 8. | Chapelle Nitrique - I Think I Broke My Penis Bone | 9. | Fonnia - Pankhart | 10. | Reduxtion - Apperature | 11. | Ahasverus - Ulan |
Various - Strange Attractor - Pt. 2 (2009) |
 | 1. | Crepuscular - Particles Collision | 2. | Krzysztof Stanisławski - Chaos Eternal | 3. | TSIDMZ - Leave Your Dream | 4. | Dream Of Nothing - Breath | 5. | Pharmakustik - Necremic Particles | 6. | Luciftias - Fractally Yours | 7. | Stereocaine - Closed Eye Visuals | 8. | In Cognitus - goAlgotha | 9. | Lord Kula - Julia Fractal | 10. | Aurea Hora - Caos Sulphureo-Sale-Mercurial | 11. | Experimental Subjekt - Cacophonia |
Various - Infernum - The Divine Comedy Tribute (2009) |
 | 1. | Merankorii - Canto I | 2. | Nagrinðr - Inferno, Canto III | 3. | Seppuku Syndrome - Give Me Hell | 4. | Coph`antae Tryr - Seventh Circle (Violence) | 5. | +Ko+Ko+ - Across Acheron | 6. | TSIDMZ Feat. Fuck Hurya - The Predictable Fall Of The Last Civilization | 7. | Pavonine - Cocytus | 8. | Rex The Ninth - Arm Yourself With Courage | 9. | Catacombs Of Doom - Satan’s Claws | 10. | Grist - Along The Boiling Crimson River | 11. | Saturn Form Essence - Fifth Circle (Wrath And Sloth) | 12. | Luciftias - Interr`d Within These Vaults |
Various - Tales Of The Grotesque And Arabesque - A Tribute To Edgar Allan Poe (2009) |
 | 1. | ART ABSCONs & Darklily - A Dream Within A Dream | 2. | Viginti Tres Saecula - A Pæan | 3. | Phalanx feat. The White Rabbit - The House Of Usher | 4. | Iris Traumann - Murders In The Rue Morgue | 5. | Barbarossa Umtrunk - The Narrative Of Arthur Gordon Pym | 6. | TSIDMZ - A Descent Into The Maelström | 7. | Hong 8 - King Pest | 8. | Phagocytozis - MS Found In A Bottle | 9. | Josef Nadek - Hymn | 10. | Snowfade - The Oval Portrait | 11. | Akoustik Timbre Frekuency - The Premature Burial | 12. | Kristus Kut - Ligeia | 13. | Paregorik - The Gold Bug | 14. | Ezcaton - The Mask Of The Red Death | 15. | Vulgar Disease - Sancta Maria |
Various - Seiei Jack's R.A.A.O Apocalypse Children - CD2 (2009) |
 | 1. | TSIDMZ - Dark And Cold | 2. | Eklipse - Poisoned | 3. | Bioassay - Engelskrieg (Apocalypse Children Mix) | 4. | Malfaktor - Sub Human Machine (Rmx-by Cat) | 5. | Origami Hairy - Baby (Mutant Baby Rmx) | 6. | Animal Machine vs. Aatmaa - Future War Mix | 7. | Filthy Turd - Tenby Bay | 8. | Seiei Jack - Astroman | 9. | Necro Anal - Light On The Alpha, Heavy On The Omega | 10. | Maxx:Impact - Apocalypse (Part01) | 11. | Thee Virginal Brides - 32° 35` 0` N, 35° 11` 0` E | 12. | Suffocating In A Mantle Of Leaves - Wounds Of A Bleeding World In Ruin, Wrapped In A Barbed Wire Net |
Various - Tribute to the Dead Soldiers (1914-1918) Vol. I (2009) |
 | 1. | Chronique Nocturne - Des Sols Trempés De Larmes | 2. | ART ABSCONs - Roses Of Picardy (Glory And Sacrifice) | 3. | Big Cocky Man Sinweldi - Mémoires D`un Poilu | 4. | Albireon - Ballata Delle Rovine (2009 Remix) | 5. | Storm Of Capricorn - No Turning Back Nor Goodbye | 6. | The Pride Of Wolves - Western Front (Night Attack) | 7. | Barbarossa Umtrunk - Orages D`Acier | 8. | Naudhiz - ...As The Last Light Extinct | 9. | Winter Gardens - Ivs Gentivm | 10. | Front Sonore - British Sector | 11. | Eldar - Elias | 12. | J Orphic - And The Troups Incoming | 13. | Nihil Novi Sub Sole - Tannenberg 1914 | 14. | Verney 1826 - Les Ombres, Marinette! | 15. | Tumor Necrosis Factor - Immortel | 16. | Jorvallr - L`Enfer | 17. | Gabe-Unruh - Singt Eisern! | 18. | L`Horrible Passion - The League Of Nations | 19. | Zr19.84 - Elegance And Brutality (Death Of A Man) | 20. | TSIDMZ - The Power Of The Wolves |
Various - Not Our World Alone Pt. 3 (2009) |
 | 1. | TSIDMZ - Mental Terrorism | 2. | The Book Of Ordres - The Street Of Alchemists | 3. | Gras Hvergi - Military Industrial Complex | 4. | Life`s Decay - Eveen | 5. | Letzte Ausfahrt Leben - Whale`s Cry | 6. | Vertex Germ - Voyage Of The Beagle | 7. | Narkotika-rus - Traummantel Anti-Pelzindustrie | 8. | Noskovsolegs - Naguc5 | 9. | Merankorii - Animal Six | 10. | Schultz - La Mort | 11. | +ko+ko+ - Abbatoir | 12. | Jorvallr - Le Rassemblement Freedom For The Animals | 13. | Skip Tooth - Clouded Elections | 14. | Soma - Flesh | 15. | dreDDup - With No Teeth | 16. | Dental Work - Mike Vick Raped By Pitbulls |
Various - Necktar 2017 Volume 1 (2009) |
 | 1. | ShivaTriBu - Paradiso Dimenticato | 2. | Spit It Out - Musicboxes | 3. | Adam LWO - As Time Travel (Cortex Mix) | 4. | Penn Kemp & Chris Meloche - Moonphase Prelude | 5. | Spit It Out - Hidden Rooms | 6. | Djet - Belledanse | 7. | Intervention Zone - More Brutal Noise From Hell | 8. | Do You Believe In The Curse Of The Golden Vampire? - I Like To Take The Yellow Bus | 9. | Susan Matthews - Babycomeback | 10. | The Tapeworm Vessel - Broaching Rage | 11. | Corpoparassita - Profferte Di Oscuro Dominio E Crudele Potenza | 12. | Ben Presto Larsen Lombriki - Maya | 13. | Les Modules Etranges - Back To The Cave | 14. | Spit It Out - Emotions Code | 15. | Jenn Birkenow - Long Live The New Flesh | 16. | E Men - Emen Flooded | 17. | Thomas Wiracki - Crucifixus | 18. | Mike Meanstreetz - Painted Nails Mixxo | 19. | Arcaïde - Anachronisme | 20. | Jenn Birkenow - Glitter (Wehwalt Mix) | 21. | Mike Meanstreetz - Frenchmxx | 22. | Murmurists - [4] Dotes On Anecdotes. By A Man. (In Progress) | 23. | The Painful Leg Injuries - This The Virus Whirls Of Slow Death | 24. | Jungle Is Neutral - Travailler Plus Pour Travailler Plus | 25. | Symbol Of Subversion - Appel A L`insurrection I | 26. | Wehwalt - Détruit | 27. | Planetaldol - Mais J`ai Rien Demandé Moi | 28. | Gestalt OrchestrA - Récalcitrante | 29. | Tone Poem - Leap Day | 30. | Turmoil - American White Trash Culture | 31. | TSIDMZ - Ota Benga Pt.1 | 32. | Intervention Zone - Le Cimetière Des Enfants 03 | 33. | Djet - Stoneblind | 34. | Wehwalt - Indéfini | 35. | Vinci - Nucleo | 36. | Mechanicoid - No More Thinking | 37. | Thee Virginal Brides - Male Genitalia Examination | 38. | Arcaïde - Bobby J Thérapy | 39. | Painful Leg Injuries - An Anxiety Dream About Performing Acoustic | 40. | Chlorophyll Fluxbunny - Clear Chain | 41. | Painful Leg Injuries - Long Ignored Lunar Instances Lingered | 42. | A.n.K.h - Kairo | 43. | Mechanicoid - Already Forgotten | 44. | Botulism Prick - Holiontonskyies | 45. | The Great Onanist Swindle - Sietämätön Valo | 46. | Astrogenic Hallucinauting - Within A Cube Black As Pitch | 47. | Mister Fuckhead - Hello Walls | 48. | Djet - Interval A | 49. | Vanishing Cream - Shade The Blind | 50. | Jenn Birkenow - Yums Yums Yums | 51. | NuxNazi - Twilight At The Incinerator | 52. | Planetzoo - This Is Strange | 53. | Anton Mobin - Ascension 1 | 54. | James Edmonds - Sound Property | 55. | The Ghost Between The Strings & Anton Mobin - Ascension 2 | 56. | James Edmonds - Recording Is All It Takes | 57. | The Ghost Between The Strings & Anton Mobin - Ascension 3 | 58. | Finaldoll - You Are A Movie Star | 59. | Vinci - Hate | 60. | Flying Spider - Poly Darton | 61. | Symbol Of Subversion - Bardoh Versus Butoh | 62. | Gestalt OrchestrA - Objet Très Petit A | 63. | Pacific 231 - Les Puces Du Son Au Bruit De L`Orient | 64. | Klimperei - Orienthal | 65. | Gestalt OrchestrA - Radical Dada | 66. | Symbol Of Subversion - Warning Time | 67. | Klimperei - Un Truc Folk | 68. | Ethnomite Pux - Dragon Song | 69. | The Montreal Nintendo Orkestar - #3 | 70. | Ethnomite Pux - There She Goes (Chromatic Mix) | 71. | Project 418 - Malphas | 72. | NuxNazi - My Bella Lee | 73. | Criad Crias - I`m Dirt | 74. | Klimperei - Variante Italie | 75. | The Darkening Scale - The Crypts Of Lieberkühn | 76. | Radio Scotvoid - I Love Special K | 77. | Adam LWO - Connect My Brain To The Machine | 78. | Gaz Anorex - Harey | 79. | Hardleg - S1P4T1 | 80. | Joli-Joli - Please Call Me A Driver | 81. | Krankheit Der Jugend - Der Mond | 82. | Vinci - Cut Up | 83. | Clutter - Between The Lines | 84. | Justin Robert/AKA Shulaka - Sk1 | 85. | Mechanicoid - Pulsey Edit | 86. | Bene Gesserit - Les Fraises |
Various - Free Your Mind - Compilation II (2009) |
 | 1. | Suburban Cruelty Centre - E Ultreiia | 2. | Jorvallr - Beyond The Glance | 3. | Ouroboros - Dies Natalis Solis Invicti | 4. | Gerechtigkeitsliga - 00:15 | 5. | Eldar - Blood On Blood | 6. | Brainquake - MH44 | 7. | Waffenruhe - Computerstaat | 8. | Project Nightwolf - The Truth Will Never Be Caged | 9. | Strydwolf - Total Control | 10. | Arbeiter Und Fluchtlinge - Hass Und Blut | 11. | Barbarossa Umtrunk - Bardo Thodol | 12. | Effets Secondaires - Une Certain Paix | 13. | Aendlex - Wisdom In Greek | 14. | Front Sonore - WTC Building 7 | 15. | TSIDMZ - We March In The Noise Against The New Global Order | 16. | Inner Vision Laboratory - The Revolution Is Now | 17. | Giftstrauch - Giftstrauch Lied | 18. | It Eats From Bowls - Spirit Of The Times | 19. | Argentum - Abre Su Boca | 20. | Seuchensturm - Freigeist Im Mondlich | 21. | Cunnan - The Wizard Of Carpathia | 22. | Prolepse - Fabrica Improvisada | 23. | Nachtpsalm - Morphogenesis (Zeitgeist Edt.) | 24. | DJ Tattoo - El Bien O El Mal | 25. | Lagos / Manolis Lagoudakis / Stuntman - Human Paradox | 26. | Breton Armada - Lloviendopiedras | 27. | Miguel Mazur - Fuego En La Nueva Sociedad | 28. | In Scherben - Wer Bist Du? | 29. | Kunstgerecht - The City | 30. | PsyChaotic - Mademoiselle X | 31. | Virus Mensch - From Dark Past To Black Future |
Various - Sturmreif: The New Underground Of Military Pop (2010) |
 | 1. | TZ.P2 - Heimkehr | 2. | TSIDMZ - Post-atomic Symphony No. 1 (Feat. Georges Bizet) | 3. | L`Effet C`Est Moi - Draußen Im Weiten Krieg (Feat. Frederico Flamini) | 4. | Bunkergeist - Donner Der Fronten | 5. | Schutzstaffel - Tausend Jahre Später | 6. | Seuchensturm - Vincere | 7. | Waffenruhe - Gehorsam | 8. | Le Silence Des Ruines - Le Déclin De Nos Sentiments | 9. | Strydwolf - Molten Youth | 10. | Front Sonore - Alerte! | 11. | Barbarossa Umtrunk - Winter`s Reign | 12. | Gabe-Unruh - Ausgangssperre | 13. | Spreu & Weizen - Return Of The Warlord | 14. | Verney 1826 - Anne (Version) | 15. | Jörvallr - Une Ombre Sur La Pierre | 16. | Heiliges Licht - Durch Nacht Und Dunkelheit |
Various - Magnum Opus Volume 2 (2010) |
 | 1. | Forest Kingdom - Darkside Of The Forest | 2. | Saturn Form Essence - Galaxy M31:Andromeda | 3. | Moloch - I | 4. | Chaotic Sound - Walking Into Relapsed Situations | 5. | Gyakusatsu - Last Decadence | 6. | TSIDMZ - Openfield | 7. | NOX 210 - Nyarlathotep | 8. | After [Life] - Road To The Other Side | 9. | Mists Of Poveglia - The Snow Fell.My Soul Bled | 10. | Ablaze Eternal - Hell Awaits (Original Soundtrack) |
Various - Icaro I: First Compilation (2010) |
 | 1. | Casimiro De Las Calaveras - Un Antes Y Un Después | 2. | Verney 1826 - Rebecca De Winter (Version) | 3. | Shattered Hand - Forms Of Sacrifice And Concentration | 4. | Pájaro De Mal Agüero - Siempre Siempre | 5. | Reversibilidad - Aurora | 6. | R. - Fiesta Fúnebre | 7. | Pintocabezas - Al Corazón Tiralee | 8. | Lee Negin - Without Reason | 9. | 3music - Mindworms | 10. | Colossloth - Black Deeds From Dead Seeds | 11. | Kokori - Inbrase | 12. | Úden - Diálogo Con Aquello | 13. | DFourMe - Who Is God, Who Is Dog | 14. | Torturing Nurse - Arrebatolo Vesjunky | 15. | NTNSBI - Saturación | 16. | Marax - Voise Of The Martyrs | 17. | Nube De Pólvora – Pequeña De Sangre Y Espanto | 18. | For Your Own Safety – White Womb | 19. | Favna Abisal – Energía Demencial Part.2 | 20. | Un Festín Sagital – Transxxxpress | 21. | Neiad – Njk | 22. | Voto De Pobreza – Lucy | 23. | Cinturón Negro – Play Some More | 24. | E-Man – Genious (Flesh Eating Foundation Mix) | 25. | Denébola – Profana Mi Pecho | 26. | Casa De Orates – Requiem For Sartre | 27. | Under Konstruktion – Raw (Under Konstruktion Vs. Ulysses Remix) | 28. | Queer Cum – Q.U.E.E.R. C.U.M. | 29. | Slow Wake Up – Dreamer | 30. | Peibol – Siempre Tan Nublado | 31. | Mauss – Lan | 32. | Pavilion Of Squalor – Djinn | 33. | Art Of Empathy – Good Morning Sick World | 34. | Aeterna – Elegia | 35. | Dfourme – Desde Arriba | 36. | A.R.GH – Tus Convicciones No Son Nada | 37. | Arkane – Sirenia Allure | 38. | Schattenspiel – Thirst (Feat. Shaita) | 39. | Favna Abisal – Energía Demencial Part.1 | 40. | TSIDMZ feat One Dead Fuck – Dark And Cold | 41. | The Joy Of Nature - Seiva Dos Ancestrais | 42. | The Wyrm - Devotio Iberica Ritualis | 43. | Transmisión Radio Moscú – Vía Chilena | 44. | L-Umano – Tome En Consideración Su Propia Opinión | 45. | Thanatoloop – El Sol De Los Sueños (Primera Parte) | 46. | Hyaena Fierling Reich – Niue | 47. | Nagrinðr – Solivm Pvlex (Pt. I) | 48. | Rotten Smile – Dope | 49. | Raskol`nikov – Dead Hairman |
Various - Koumyou - Dark Artists For Japan Earthquake Relief (2011) |
 | 1. | Temple Music – Six Hundred Owls | 2. | Thee Demonick Eremite feat. Veronika Aednat – Destiny 2011 (Odaiji Ni) | 3. | Immundus – Transition | 4. | Xun – Umi | 5. | Tribes Of Medusa – As The Sea Melts The Sun | 6. | Heresiarch – Setting Sun | 7. | Arcana – The Irreversible Truth | 8. | Viderunt Omnes – Beat Blues (feat. Nick Hoare) | 9. | TSIDMZ - Bushido (feat. Lonsai Maikov) | 10. | The Implicit Order - Cracks Appear | 11. | Coph`antae Tryr - Fracture | 12. | Hoyland – Chikara | 13. | Black Sun Drum Korps – Total War | 14. | Black Sun Temple – Dead Soil | 15. | Zreen Toyz – Eternal Ame No Ukihashi | 16. | Tamerlan – Lullaby For The Unborn | 17. | iNsCissorS – Nibankari - The Memorial Of The Shivering Earth | 18. | Bathory Legion – Asura | 19. | Emme Ya – Zero Point Energy | 20. | Snowfade – Sonkei | 21. | Hexathurz – Black Water | 22. | Akoustik Timbre Frekuency – Kibou | 23. | Murmurists – `Flat, Like The Sun` | 24. | Unknown Vistae – Primordial Emptiness | 25. | The Broken Arm Of Love - I See Blood When I Close My Eyes | 26. | dead.circuit - Soliloquy Of Tears | 27. | Melankolia - Tear-Stained Vision | 28. | Lumina Sector - Grand Terror Carcass (Lumina Mix) | 29. | Sighell – Time Shuffler | 30. | Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt – Sleeping Giants | 31. | Omniiq – Nonesuch | 32. | Backyard Ghost – Hymnal__XII | 33. | Nakjaarna – Moon`s Prayer May All Your Sorrows Fade Into The Sea | 34. | Kway – Suji No Tootta Negawatt | 35. | Vultures Quartet – Straight Into Darkness | 36. | Wehwalt – Solve | 37. | Khaoman – Bruitingburningkilling | 38. | In This Land Of Rain – The Gate (Final) | 39. | Finglebone – Again | 40. | Kalendar – | 41. | Taphephobia – Before And After | 42. | Instinct Primal – No One Is Safe | 43. | Tree - Departing | 44. | No Heaven – Day 1 | 45. | Gothick - All Of These Cities (Standing Together) V3 | 46. | Kristus Kut – A Remembrance Of An Embrace | 47. | Anzeigen – Winter Eternus |
Various - Devil Noise Assemblage - Compilation #1 (2011) |
 | 1. | Halluciphile – Dead Alive Recycled | 2. | Goines Ma Non Troppo – Cigarros De Yerba Mate | 3. | Trans Atlantic Rage – Headline Attention Drip Drip Drip | 4. | The Implicit Order - Reverse | 5. | Der Domestizierte Mensch – Happiness Is A Disease | 6. | Pregnant Spore – Jewels | 7. | To-Bo – Zoll | 8. | TSIDMZ – The Predictable Fall Of The Last Civilization |
Various - The Seven Deadly Sins Compilation: Acedia (2011) |
 | 1. | Droefheid – Overblijfsel (Part I) | 2. | Arvorar – Passagens Para Nada Levar | 3. | Schattenspiel & Orpheus Enthroned – Symphony Of Loneliness | 4. | Aura Noctis – Breaking Thoughts | 5. | TSIDMZ – Sloth | 6. | Nosens – Critic Of The Asceticism | 7. | Nihilia – Le Chemin D`accès Au Suicide | 8. | Rabengrab – Die Trägheit Des Alten Bären | 9. | The Silent Committee - Inerti | 10. | Kristian Giorgini - Accidia (Feat. TSIDMZ) | 11. | Ollis Christensen – Det Er Ingen Teatertrik | 12. | Instagon – Thee Sloth (Tribal Visitation) | 13. | Claustrum – Constantinopolis | 14. | Abbildung – 7ins | 15. | Industrial Nature – Trägheit Des Herzens | 16. | Klver – Hiroth`s Regrets | 17. | Forest On Fire – Lifes One Long Highway | 18. | Pink Venom – Again | 19. | Zagrob – La Destruction | 20. | Rachael Please – Sloth | 21. | Flat Black Project – Royal | 22. | DBPIT – Still Water | 23. | Akoustik Timbre Frekuency – Acedia | 24. | Adipocire vs Amon – Endorphine | 25. | Synomorph – Look The Right Hand Cut The Left | 26. | WHY – Ipetra | 27. | Coma Centauri – The Oak, The Sloth, The Night | 28. | To-Bo – Untitled # 057 |
Various - Remember Chernobyl (1986-2011) (2011) |
 | 1. | Dead.Circuit – Children Of Chaos | 2. | Jim Butler – Final Breath | 3. | Synoiz – Reminiscence Amidst The Debris | 4. | TSIDMZ – Chernobyl Child | 5. | Verney 1826 – Superbia (Sins Of The Fathers) | 6. | Svart1 – Порожнеча | 7. | Heresiarch - Reactor 4 | 8. | Barbarossa Umtrunk – Stalker | 9. | Instant Pyrolysis – Epitaph Of Chernobyl | 10. | Project : N.A. – Controlled Dissonance (Burden Edit Version) | 11. | Nakjaarna – Skala | 12. | Hoyland – The Children Of Chernobyl | 13. | Grim Pig – Chert | 14. | Sympathetic Division – Shadows Fragment | 15. | Atomtrakt – Blut Und Erde (Edit) | 16. | Pyne – Abandoned Facility | 17. | Northaunt – Chernobyl 1986 | 18. | Nors`Klh – ...Et Le Serpent Mécanique Dévora Le Monde | 19. | Savaran – Renewal |
Split (2011) |
 | 1. | Death Factory – My Own Private Hell | 2. | Dental Work – The Next Generation | 3. | Nryy – Tanoshikikana | 4. | Nryy – Yuyusikikana | 5. | TSIDMZ – Sloth | 6. | TSIDMZ / One Dead Fuck – Dark And Cold | 7. | TSIDMZ / Silent Cathedral – Le Secret Alchimique |
Suffocating Darkness (2011) |
 | 1. | TSIDMZ – Exquisite Cadaver | 2. | TSIDMZ – The Last War On Earth | 3. | TSIDMZ & One Dead Fuck – The Buddha Experience | 4. | TSIDMZ & Permafrost – Symmetry Of The Wastelands | 5. | Aural Resuscitation Unit – Back-Break-Feed-RRR (Live @ Noise Shock 3) | 6. | RedSK – 101210 | 7. | RedSK – Harboring Komodo Dragons | 8. | RedSK – Meanderinging | 9. | RedSK – Plastics And Plaster | 10. | RedSK vs. Flat Affect – Hypnophobia |
We Are Time (2011) |
 | 1. | The Predictable Fall Of The Last Civilization | 2. | Bushido (Feat. Lonsai Maikov) | 3. | Bioxin | 4. | Hic Sunt Leones | 5. | Lost Wisdom |
Various - Human Machines Second Connection (2012) |
 | 1. | People Theatre, Soe – ...Again | 2. | TourdeForce – Factory | 3. | Eloquent – The Consequence Of Karma | 4. | True Fallacy – How Are You Human | 5. | WANT/ed – Never Will Take It Back (AndyK Remix) | 6. | Sons Of Hadit – Oriental Gods | 7. | Nydhog – R.O.T.O. (2012 Mix) | 8. | Haru Yasumi – Just Rude | 9. | Santhelia – Teardrops Of Neutrons | 10. | No Forgiveness – Natural Born Sinners (Y 2010 Mix By FabrikC) | 11. | Outworld – Neverending Odissey | 12. | TSIDMZ – The Power Of The Wolves |
Various - Human Machines (2012) |
 | 1. | V / A Soh Mashup – H.M.Intro | 2. | M.O.D. – Die Sklaverei (2012 Mix) | 3. | TourdeForce – Heart Without A Heart | 4. | Zero A.D. – Ocean (Club) | 5. | No Forgiveness – Everybody (Eurocore Remix By Bionic Ghost Kids) | 6. | Wormz – Braindance | 7. | Gutter Gloss – Honest Hands (Single Version) | 8. | Needle Factory – Beautifuck (Club Mix) | 9. | Artcore Machine – D0Nk3R_k4N7 | 10. | Sons Of Hadit – Sands | 11. | Flesh Eating Foundation – So Yeah (Fun Every Friday Remix) | 12. | Ninja Spice – Virtually Indistructable Cybernetic Banshee | 13. | [0pt 0ut] – Crawling | 14. | Ira-k Organisation – Nicht Zu Vergessen - For Not Forgotten (Victims) - (Instrumetal2012) | 15. | Little Black Rain Clouds – Tribal | 16. | True Fallacy – Message | 17. | Outworld – Out Of Body Experience | 18. | Cybercage – The Ancients | 19. | TSIDMZ / Soundscape / Jeanne D`Arc – The Age Of Anxiety | 20. | Santhelia / Thysanura – Inertia |
Various - Re[c]quiem (2012) |
![TSIDMZ - Various - Re[c]quiem](/kepek/zenekarok/t/tsidmz/7832.variousrecquiem.album.jpg) | 1. | Noisedelik – Le 516 Volte Di Giovanni (Requiem For Mastro Titta Boia Di Roma) | 2. | Simon Balestrazzi – The Airtight Garage Of Jean Giraud (Requiem For Mœbius) | 3. | Gianluca Becuzzi – Requiem For Jean Baudrillard (And The Post Modern Age) | 4. | MB And Stefano Gentile And Gianluca Favaron – For Danilo Kis | 5. | Adern X – Phomemes (For J. Derrida) | 6. | CarneGreve Feat. Kyt Walken – Wings Are Well Educated To Fight (Requiem For G. Ancillotto) | 7. | Filippo Zamboni – Il Culto Dell`Annientamento - La Volontà Di Sapere (For M. Foucault) | 8. | LCHM And Khem – Neo Mondo (Requiem For Ezra Pound) | 9. | Testing Vault Feat. Mario Marinoni – 1334 Resemblances (For Rozz Williams) | 10. | Augustus Gloop – Against The Light (Requiem For Kenneth Grant) | 11. | Mario Marinoni – Una Sensazione Di Oscurità (Requiem For James Douglas Morrison) | 12. | TSIDMZ Feat. Rose Rovine E Amanti – Ota Benga Pt 2 | 13. | Deison – Aftermath Of A Lengthy Rejection Slip (Requiem For Heinrich Karl Bukowski) | 14. | Automageddon – Crunch/Grind Mechanism (Dedicato Al Generale Ludd) | 15. | Uncodified – Omaggio A Lucio Fulci (Requiem For L. Fulci) | 16. | The Streetcleaner Feat. Troy Southgate – Requiem For Yukio Mishima |
Various - Icaro II: Second Compilation Of Daidalos Records (2012) |
 | 1. | Jerome Deppe With David E. Williams – Poison Mushrooms | 2. | Schattenspiel – Der Flug Des Schmetterlings | 3. | Pájaro De Mal Agüero – Mala Leche | 4. | Canis Latrans – Buñuel 1: My Soul (withered) | 5. | Invitados Especiales – Constelacion | 6. | R. – Pájaros Con Mirada De Gato | 7. | Pavilion Of Squalor – Entropy UVB76 | 8. | Verney 1826 – Marche Funebre | 9. | Liturgy Of Confrontation – Battle Of Britain | 10. | D`Fourme – Hollow Sun | 11. | Ragazzi D`inverno – Mi Nombre Es Un Árbol(I Miei Brani Sono Come Alberi) | 12. | Rodrigo Araya Zamudio – La Letra Con Sangre Entra (Retrato De Quién Soy Y De Que Debería Ser) | 13. | Ieva – Remaria | 14. | Los Trompetos De La Muerte – One More Dust In The Wind | 15. | Across The Fields – Across The Fields | 16. | Karma Marata – Wo Die Masken Fallen | 17. | Winternight - Life Seems So Empty | 18. | Lluvia de Pétalos – III - Alivio Mortem | 19. | Rotten Smile – My Corpse Still Hanging On That Tree | 20. | Topi Reta – Tema De Lara | 21. | TSIDMZ – We March In The Noise Against The New Global Order | 22. | Noiz-tradamus – A Presión | 23. | Pordiozero – La Cultura Del Aislamiento (1 Parte) | 24. | Fagus – Days Of Death |
Various - Exquisite Cadaver Vol I (2012) |
 | 1. | Melodies – Australia | 2. | Luden – Australia | 3. | Bleeding Thorax – United States | 4. | Andreas Brandal – Norway | 5. | Lower Power Experiment – United States | 6. | Sam Price – Australia | 7. | Blank Verse – Sweden | 8. | TSIDMZ – Italy | 9. | Paddo One – Netherlands | 10. | Automating – Australia | 11. | Cloudy Horizon – Russian Federation | 12. | Paregorik – Czech Republic | 13. | Merankorii – Portugal | 14. | Jaap Klevering – Finland | 15. | Grist – Australia | 16. | Mind Paintings – Germany | 17. | Harold Nono – Scotland | 18. | Gate – Japan |
Various - The Age Of Anxiety (2012) |
 | 1. | Gas Masked Lestat – Killing Vermin Pests | 2. | Ghostfog – Hear Them Whisper | 3. | [distopia] – Flesh Machine | 4. | Barbarossa Umtrunk – La Race Qui Nous Exterminera | 5. | Nuclear Nation – Terror | 6. | The Grave Dominion - Pariah | 7. | Instinct Primal – Bible Believing | 8. | Mytrip – Salt | 9. | Catacombs Of Doom – Anthem For A Doomed Youth | 10. | Druhá Smrt – Hidden Place | 11. | O Psilos – A Post-Future Waltz | 12. | Ouzo))) – Holy Fish | 13. | Ro So Matix & EgoGod – Progress Is Suitable For Nonsense | 14. | Narog – Destroy Your Creation | 15. | Showinist – Men In Leather Waistcoats | 16. | Syrinx – Within Stands | 17. | O.S.I.S. – Wormwood | 18. | TSIDMZ – The Age Of Anxiety |
Civis Europaeus Sum (2012) |
 | 1. | BloodSoil – Fratricide | 2. | Bloodsoil – Veritas Liberabit | 3. | BloodSoil – The Awakening | 4. | Striider – Nemmersdorf | 5. | Striider – Battle Of Loos | 6. | Striider – The Korsun Slaughter | 7. | Legionarii – The Glorious End | 8. | Legionarii – Our Last Substance | 9. | Legionarii – Fallen Heroes | 10. | TSIDMZ – Eurasia, Pax Deorum Hominumque | 11. | TSIDMZ – After WWI | 12. | TSIDMZ – Der Ewige Jude |
Pax Deorum Hominumque (2012) |
 | 1. | Intro | 2. | El Ultimo Avatara | 3. | Terrae Motus | 4. | Armanenschaft (Arehisosur Mix) (Feat. Barbarossa Umtrunk) | 5. | Greyhound (Feat. Gnomonclast) | 6. | Omnia Sunt Unum (Feat. Horologium) | 7. | Avatara In Eurasia (Yeni Ceri Mix) (Feat. Barbarossa Umtrunk) | 8. | In The Mouth Of Madness (Feat. Heiliges Licht) | 9. | Operation Logitudinal Scalar Waves (Feat. Embersreich) | 10. | Pax Deorum Hominumque | 11. | Pantheon (Feat. Sala Delle Colonne) |