The band formed in 1982 in Bratislava, Slovakia by Ma»o Ïurinda (also known as Martin Ïurinda), Palo Horváth, and Ïuro Èerný. Ïurinda was a student at Comenius University in Bratislava at the time where he met drummer Ïuro Èerný in a wine bar called Veµkí Franti¹káni thanks to a friend of his. The two talked about their favorite bands such as: Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Thin Lizzy, Nazareth, The Who, Yes, Pink Floyd, etc. After much discussion the two decided to form a rock trio much like their heroes Cream, Jimi Hendrix, and ELP (Emerson, Lake, and Palmer). But they would need a very talented bassist.Èerný remembered seeing a talented and charismatic bassist named Palo Horváth playing in a band called Mentol so they decided to visit him at his flat in a quarter of Bratislava called Dúbravka. The three hit it off and decided to jam together for the first time, eventually, they decided to form a band together. The three began practicing and writing songs on the fourth floor of Ïurinda’s campus building until Ïurinda finished his schooling. With more and more songs being written, the trio wanted to sing in a style that everyone could relate to so they approached Martin Sarva¹, who was a student of architecture and good friend of Ïuro Èerný to help write lyrics. Sarva¹ was a lyricist for a band Èerný was previously in.The band began to perform in bars on most evenings around Bratislava and became quite popular amongst the crowds. Eventually they made a demo tape, gave it to Sarva¹ and began shopping around for a record label. Sarva¹ became their manager and created the image of their band. While getting intoxicated in Veµkí Franti¹káni, Èerný and Ïurinda thought of their band name. Èerný wanted to call the band TUBLAT (which means Bad Monkey a reference to Tarzan) but this name was mocked by crowds while they played. They eventually decided on Tublatanka as a combination of TUBLAT and Moravanka (a former local band they admired).On January 30, 1983, there was a festival of the amateurish bands in PKO Bratislava ( park of culture and relaxation) that was organized by Richard Müller under the title of “Mladá vlna 82”, where TUBLATANKA had an opportunity to appear as an opening band. The band had a notable unexpected success and the director of the Slovak Record Label OPUS, Milan Va¹ica, who was sitting among audience offered the boys to record theirfirst big Self-Titled LP. The album sold over 100,000 in the first few months after it was released so OPUS records offered to record their second album which came out a year called entitled Skúsime to cez vesmír (Flying to the Universe). While recording that album, Ïurinda was called into his basic military service and reported to Klátov much to his dismay since he wanted to finish recording the album. Sales for Skúsime to cez vesmír charted at the number one spot and the band started their “30-years tour” that was organized by Jo¾o ©ebo (now he is a manager of J.Kirschner.) The band was endowed by a wide range of fans in sold out concerts in the amphitheatres and the sport halls. The boys won their first performance on the television program Triangel with their song “O nás” (About Us).The band recorded their third album ®eravé znamenie osudu (Bitter Destination) in 1988 and got the opportunity to recordthe album in OPUS record’s new digital studio. The album sold 250,000 copies in the first few months and received the Zlatý erb OPUS-u (Gold Shield of Opus). Tublatanka then did concerts all over Czechoslovakia and the song “Láska, dr¾ ma nad hladinou”(Support Me, My Love) was in first place of Czechoslovak chart of Formula Pop for several months. In November 1988, the band was invited to play in a music festival in Moscow that was held at the stadium Lu¾ianky where ten shows were held with an attendance of 14-15 thousand of people in attendance.On September 16, 1989, the band had a big concert at the amphitheatre of Bratislava, that was recorded by professional film crew. In November 1989, when the “Velvet Revolution” broke out and the first demonstrations against the Communist Party for democracy began to appear, Ïurinda provided his guitar equipment and he installed a sound system in SNP square in Bratislava by four reproboxes and 2 amplifiers during the first three days of revolution. The song “Pravda ví»azí”(The Truth Wins) became an unwritten anthem of Velvet Revolution. Repeatedly was this song was in first place of music chart on the television program called Triangel and even a videotape under the title “Pravda ví»azí” that represented the successful concert at the amphitheater in Bratislava, appeared at the Christmas market. The concert tape was completely sold out.In 1990, the band left for Jevan to a studio of L.Steidl in Czech Republic to record their fourth album “Nebo-peklo-raj” (Heaven-Hell-Paradise). Andy Hryc, an actor who prepared also an intro to the song “Démon pomsty” (Devil of Revenge), christened the album at a significant debut where thousands of people were present. In 1992 the next album was released, entitled “Volanie divoèiny” (Call of the Wild) in which not only featured the lyrics of Sarva¹, but also of Whisky (a Slovak musician who was also a good friend of Ïurinda’s).In 1993, the relations between Ïurinda and Horváth began to diminish due to creative differences. After a show in Karlsruhe, Germany, Horváth left Tublatanaka due to creative differences with Ïurinda. As Ïurinda couldn´t find anybody who would replace Horváth for a long time, he had to take over bass while he and Èerný recorded their 1993 Christmas album “Poïme bratia do Betlehema” (Let´s go to Bethlehem, My Brothers) that appeared at the Christmas market and it became extremely popular around that time. This album was christened by Silvia Lakato¹ová, the last Miss Czechoslovakia. At that time, Ïuro Èerný became addicted in drugs after trying them with his friends from a band called Slobodná Európa (which he played often apart from Tublatanka with) offered him them. Èerný was no longer able to play with Tublatanka and left to be cured.Ma»o stayed alone and had to look for new musicians. The advertisment in a newspaper Nový Èas was useless, two interviews took place but nobody from mroe than 60 musicians were suitable to his liking. So he discovered a guitarist and singer named Jozef “Dodo” Dubán, a graduate of law who became available because he left his band “Money Factor”, as well as a bass guitarist Juraj Topor (designer of a fashion show), who, as the guitar technician, helped Ma»o to prepare the concerts and before he had played together with the band “If.”In August 1994, the band attended a music show in the Polish city of Sopoty with its song “Ja sa vrátim”(I will Return). For the first time a drummer, Du¹an Giertl, and their new band manager at the time managedthe band from 1993 until 1997. So the new lineup of Tublatanka was formed and they began to prepare a new album and started practicing a new concert repertoire. Even a partly cured Ïuro Èerný re-joined the band and there was recorded a new CD “Znovuzrodenie”( Rebirth). At the beginning of 1994, the band won a competition on STV and in March they left to represent Slovakia in a great festival “Veµká cena Eurovízie”(Grand award of Eurovision or Eurovision Song contest) in Dublin, Ireland with their song “Nekoneèná pieseò” (Neverending Song). This festival was watched live with a total of 300 million viewers. The band was placed at the 17th place of 25, so after their return to Slovakia only negative press and bad reviews welcomed them.Ïuro Èerný left the band once again in 1995 due to problems with drugs that led to severe health problems. Martin Uherèík replaced Èerný in 1995. Shortly after this the band took a very long break from recording and released two greatest hits CDs that contained a few english versions of their songs originally intended for English Versions of their classic albums “Skúsime to cez vesmír” and “®eravé znamenie osudu.”In 2001, the band finally recorded and released a new album entitled “Pánska jazda” (Stag Party). This album did not feature and lyrics by their usual lyricist Martin Sarva¹, instead, Ïurinda took over that job. The album transitioned Tublatanka into a more mainstream sound as opposed to their earlier work.Martin Uherèík quit the band after “Pánska jazda” and was replaced by Peter Schlosser. Sadly, Jozef “Dodo” Dubán tragically died of cancer in 2002. Ïurinda never replaced him but instead to continue on as a rock trio once again. After another long successful run of touring, Tublatanka released “Patriot” in 2005 which contained 14 new songs and contained some lyrics by Martin Sarva¹ once again. A year after it was released, Tublatanka released their second Christmas album Vianoèný deò to much critical acclaim. Currently the band continues to tour all over Slovakia and Czech Republic.
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