The Sins Of Thy Beloved logo
The Sins Of Thy Beloved ének gitar : Glenn Morten Nordbř (Vocals and guitar)
ének gitar : Arild Christensen (Vocals and guitar)
dob : Stig Johansen (Drums)
ének : Anita Auglend (Former vocals)
gitár : Ola Aarrested (Bass)
gitár : Ola Aarrested (Bass)
szinti : Ingfrid Stensland (Former keyboards/piano)
szinti : Anders Thue (Keyboards/Piano)
violin : Pete Johansen (Violin)
ének : Hege-Marie Aanby (Former vocals)
szinti : Maiken Olaisen (Keyboards)
ének : Mona Wallin (Vocals)

Albumok :

Demo, (1997)
The Sins Of Thy Beloved - Demo,1.1. Intro 
2.2. Even Though 
3.3. Garden Of Eden 
4.4. Silent Pain 
All Alone, Nocturnal Music, (1997)
The Sins Of Thy Beloved - All Alone, Nocturnal Music, 1.1. All Alone 
2.2. Memories 
3.3. Worthy of You 
Lake Of Sorrow (+ mp3 samples!), Napalm Records, 1998 (1998)
The Sins Of Thy Beloved - Lake Of Sorrow (+ mp3 samples!), Napalm Records, 1998 1.1. My Love 
2.2. The Kiss 
3.3. Worthy of You 
4.4. Lake of Sorrow 
5.5. Until the Dark 
6.6. All Alone 
7.7. Silent Pain 
Perpetual Desolation (+ mp3 samples!), Napalm Records, 2000 (2000)
The Sins Of Thy Beloved - Perpetual Desolation (+ mp3 samples!), Napalm Records, 2000 1.1. The Flame Of Wrath 
2.2. Forever 
3.3. Pandemonium 
4.4. Partial Insanity 
5.5. Perpetual Desolation 
6.6. Nebula Queen 
7.7. The Mournful Euphony 
8.8. A Tormented Soul 
9.9. The Thing That Should Not Be 
10.10. World Of Day (Japanese bonus track) 
Perpetual Desolation Live, Napalm Records (2001)
The Sins Of Thy Beloved - Perpetual Desolation Live, Napalm Records1.10. World Of Day (Japanese bonus track) 
2.2. All Alone 
3.3. The Mournful Euphony 
4.4. Nebula Queen 
5.5. Perpetual Desolation 
6.6. Lake of Sorrow 
7.7. The Flame of Wrath 
8.8. Partial Insanity 
9.9. Forever 
Perpetual Desolation Live, Napalm Records (2002)
The Sins Of Thy Beloved - Perpetual Desolation Live, Napalm Records1.1. Pandemonium 
2.2. All Alone 
3.2. All Alone 
4.3. The Mournful Euphony 
5.4. Nebula Queen 
6.5. Perpetual Desolation 
7.6. Lake of Sorrow 
8.7. The Flame of Wrath 
9.8. Partial Insanity 
10.9. Forever 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
devotus, Celebrau, Elendil, django, THERION666, King of the Fairies, _Phelan_, Kacsa04, obituary85, Dybbuk, Fieldofdark, silent_girl, *ladyinblack*, Shadow Of Death, Aeternus, Drake878768, PAGANLORD, Vampires Vanity, depidemic, Clauriel, Fr3d, Aks, Amaranthine, carnage91, scarecrow86, Greywolf Nagypapa , Norgheld, gimli, Saci, _Petra_, kitty666, pösta66, 10edes, Erdelyi Farkas, Henriette, ngc, lacifer666, corvus86, Aredros

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Hozzászólások :
2010.06.04. 06:31:13
a télen hallgattam ezt a kis együttest, nagyon szép kis szám tőlük a Lake of sorrow

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