1997-ben alakult lengyel szimfónikus black metal banda,Vader és Behemoth tagokkal(is)! Zenéjük leginkább a Dimmu Borgir nyersebb,brutálisabb tételeire hajaz! Kell ennél több?
Rehearsal Demo (1998) |
| 1. | Moonthrone | 2. | Insomnia Noctiferi |
Promo 1999 Demo (1999) |
| 1. | path 1. daemoonion act I (moonastray) | 2. | path 2. insomnia noctiferi (thunderose) |
Firefrost Arcanum (2003) |
 | 1. | Mystherion. Crystaleyes | 2. | Introit Algor | 3. | Nova Persei | 4. | Algorfocus Nefas | 5. | Marduke`s Mazemerising | 6. | Moonthrone. Dawn Broken | 7. | Introit Focus | 8. | Daemoonion Act II | 9. | Introit Nefas | 10. | Dukedoom Black |
God the Lux (2005) |
 | 1. | Path I - Rest In Pain | 2. | Path II - Posthuman Kind | 3. | Path III - Lumen Clamosum | 4. | Path IV - God The Lux | 5. | Path V - Synchroscheme | 6. | Path VI - Phosphorror | 7. | Path VII - Lumen Funestum | 8. | Path VIII - The Mystory | 9. | Path IX - Fireclipse | 10. | Path X - Lumen Coruscum | 11. | Path XII - Legions Are Me | 12. | Path XIII - Inlustra Nigror |
Distractive Killusions (2007) |
 | 1. | Narrenschyff | 2. | The Dawnfall (Hamartia And Hybris) | 3. | Infinity Horizon | 4. | Rage of Reason | 5. | Of Bitterness And Clarity | 6. | Silence Makes Noise (Eternity - The Mood) | 7. | Hell Is For Children | 8. | Aesthesis | 9. | Distractive Cryscendo |
Rage of Reason Single (2008) |
 | 1. | Rage of Reason | 2. | Rage Of Reason (Single Edit) | 3. | Slow Consolation Calm |