Vicious Crusade logo
Vicious Crusade szólógitáros,énekes : Dmitrij Basik
ritmus gitáros : Alex Vertel
dobos : Alex Gladysh
vokál : Tatiana Laboda
basszusgitáros : Szergej Odinets
hegedűs : Bagrat Vartanian

Albumok :

Faces Of Vice [ep] (1997)
Vicious Crusade - Faces Of Vice [ep]1.Hymn To Dying Land 
2.Patriot Games 
3.Pariah [brutal edit] 
4.Land Of Lakes 
Life That Kills (1997)
 1.Land Of Lakes 
2.Chains of Tyranny 
3.The Verge of Extinction 
5.In Articulo Mortis 
6.Arm of the Invisible 
8.Exalted Liar 
9.Voice of Eternity 
10.Life That Kills 
The Unbroken (2000)
Vicious Crusade - The Unbroken1.Masquerade Of Piety 
2.The Unbroken 
3.Dogs Of Justice 
4.Land Of Lakes 
5.Vicious Circle 
6.Exalted Liar 
7.Theodore`s Song 
8.Who Are These Men? 
9.Patriot Games 
11.Final Chapter 
12.The Verge of Extinction(bonus track) 
Messiah...Isn't It Me (2001)
2.Messiah...Isn`t It Me? 
3.Dancing On The Ledge 
4.Divine Contract 
5.Capriccio in G-moll per violino ed basso guitarra 
Forbidden Tunes (2002)
Vicious Crusade - Forbidden Tunes1.Forbidden Tunes 
2.Lost Generation 
3.Get Stripped! 
5.Requiem To Innocence 
6.Messiah...Isn`t It Me? 
7.Let It Burn 
8.Dancing On The Ledge 
10.Breath Of Life 
My Cruel Mirror(single) (2008)
Vicious Crusade - My Cruel Mirror(single)1.My Cruel Mirror 
2.Aichyna (live) 
Another Hero(single) (2009)
Vicious Crusade - Another Hero(single)1.Another Hero 
2.Dogs Of Justice (live) 
Freedom Comes (2009)
 1.Dress Me Black 
2.Bang The Drum 
3.Freedom Comes 
4.Another Hero 
5.Man With Heart Of Gold 
6.My Cruel Mirror 
9.A Day To Feel Alive 
10.For The Last Time 
11.Rock You Up! 
The Unbroken-10th Anniversary Edition [Remastered] (2009)
Vicious Crusade - The Unbroken-10th Anniversary Edition [Remastered]1.Masquerade Of Piety 
2.The Unbroken 
3.Dogs Of Justice 
4.Land Of Lakes 
5.Vicious Circle 
6.Exalted Liar 
7.Theodore`s Song 
8.Who Are These Men? 
9.Patriot Games 
11.Final Chapter 
12.Masquerade Of Piety (sympho-version) 
13.Айчына (2009 edition) 
14.Pariah (feat. G.Fred) 
15.Апошнi спеў 
Vicious Crusade & Friends vol.1 (2010)
Vicious Crusade - Vicious Crusade & Friends vol.11.What U Gonna Do 4 Love 
2.Masquerade Of Piety 
3.Exalted Liar 
5.Breath Of Life 
7.Theodore`s Song (alt version) 
9.Patriot Games 
What U Gonna Do 4 Love (2010)
Vicious Crusade - What U Gonna Do 4 Love1.What U Gonna Do 4 Love 
2.Vicious Crusade & Friends Promo 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
ercé, KeeperOfJericho, Arany bárány, Antonia Alessandra Atlantas, Jester of destiny

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