A Németek ismét megmutatták,hogy tudnak jó zenekart alkotni,eme banda alakulási helye: Aalen / Abtsgmünd, Baden-Württemberg
 | 1. | Raze the Curtain | 2. | Bugging for Mercy | 3. | Infinite Family | 4. | Damn (You`re Dead Again) | 5. | Maculate Conception | 6. | Coulrophobia | 7. | Circus Coccus Spirilly | 8. | Magic Malignacy | 9. | Feed the Lions | 10. | Cure the Obscure | 11. | Holy Slapstick | 12. | Extra Terroristical (Bónusz szám ) |
Inhabitants of Carcosa (2015) |
 | 1. | The Flaw of Flesh | 2. | God`s Own Creation | 3. | Now I Am Become Death | 4. | Re-Animator | 5. | Ashfall | 6. | The Tightrope | 7. | In Carcosa (The Yellow King) | 8. | Years in the Dark | 9. | Death Toll | 10. | Klown |