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  Ének : Jost "Little" Kleinert
Gitár,Ének : Daniel "Mett-God" Jakobi
Basszer : Uwe "Dr. Vomit" Kilian
Gitár : Nils Förster
Dobok : Timo "Borgir" Claas

Albumok :

Paralyzed By Fear (2003)
Lay Down Rotten - Paralyzed By Fear1.Fall 
2.Beautyful Brutality 
3.Final Psychotic Eclipse 
6.Modern Kind of Hate 
7.Lost Time 
8.Paralyzed By Fear 
9.Pile of Desolation 
10.Cheyn Stok`sche 
Cold Constructed (2005)
Lay Down Rotten - Cold Constructed1.Murder Instinct 
2.Let me be your Suffering 
3.Broken Minds Behind Wounded Faces 
4.The Gutted Angel 
5.Headshot Poetry 
6.Cold Constructed Spheres 
7.Human Remains Cargo 
8.The Domination of Chaos 
9.Cutting Deeper 
10.Darkday (Edge of Sanity Cover) 
Breeding Insanity (2006)
Lay Down Rotten - Breeding Insanity1.Breeding Insanity 
2.Pulling the Trigger 
3.Withing The Veil - the Antidote 
4.Undead Race 
5.Century Of Exploitation 
6.Through Purple Woods And Ashen Plains 
8.Into Oblivion 
9.Venomous Blessings 
Reconquering the Pit (2007)
Lay Down Rotten - Reconquering the Pit1.Anarchic Outburst 
2.Reconquering the Pit 
3.Sound of Breaking Bones 
4.Bitter Thoughts 
5.New Mechanic Human Phenomena 
6.Demons Breed 
8.Unholy Alliance 
9.All of This Pain 
Gospel of the Wretched (2009)
Lay Down Rotten - Gospel of the Wretched1.Gospel of the Wretched 
2.Thy Won`t Be Done 
3.Hours of Infinity 
4.Altering the Whore 
5.Conditioning the Weak 
6.He Who Shows Hate 
7.Beyond Damnation 
8.When All Becomes Nothing 
9.Where Spirits Lie Dead 
Mask of Malice (2012)
Lay Down Rotten - Mask of Malice1.Death-Chain 
2.A Darker Shade of Hatred 
4.Mask of Malice 
5.... And Out Come the Wolves 
6.Swallow the Bitterness 
7.Hades Resurrected 
8.The Devil Grins 
9.La Serpenta Canta 
10.The Loss 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
MikeDyingBride, GoreAtien Alphonse Francoise Thorsten, Nitroglicerin, dudiii

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