A svédek 1998-ban alakult Nostradameus-a a kivétel a skandináv szabályok alól. A kezdetek óta németes melodikus power metal zenét nyomnak, jellegzetes heavy gitárokkal, középtempónál csak néha gyorsabb alapokkal, minimális progresszív hatással és fantasy ihletettségű szövegekkel. Mindenben az ős heavy undergroundot idézik, amennyire csak lehet...
Words Of Nostradameus (2000) |
 | 1. | Words Of Nostradameus | 2. | The Vision | 3. | Out Of This World | 4. | Nightmare Prophecy | 5. | Without Your Love | 6. | Master Of The Night | 7. | Black Fate | 8. | The Crown`s Inn | 9. | Resurrection | 10. | Brothers In Chains | 11. | One For All, All For One |
The Prophet Of Evil (2001) |
 | 1. | The Prophet Of Evil | 2. | Hymn To These Lands | 3. | Evil Prophecies | 4. | Murder | 5. | Requiem | 6. | In Prison | 7. | The Escape | 8. | The Power`s In Your Hand | 9. | Gathering Resistance | 10. | The Final Battle |
The Third Prophecy (2003) |
 | 1. | Far Too Strong | 2. | Randall Flagg Listen | 3. | Those Things You Did | 4. | The Future Will Show | 5. | If We Believe | 6. | Revenge Is Mine | 7. | 1986 | 8. | H.M.S. Ulysses | 9. | In Harmony | 10. | Towards The Sleep |
Hellbound (2004) |
 | 1. | Never Turning Back | 2. | Your Betrayal | 3. | The Reapers Image | 4. | Hellbound | 5. | One Step Away | 6. | Fight | 7. | Cuts Like Blades | 8. | Seven | 9. | One World To Live In | 10. | I Am Free |
Pathways (2007) |
 | 1. | Welcome to Living | 2. | Wall of Anger | 3. | Until the End | 4. | Demon Voices | 5. | MDCC A.D - Pt - 1 | 6. | MDCC A.D - Pt - 2 | 7. | P.I.R. | 8. | No Trace of Madness | 9. | Not Only Women Bleed | 10. | Death by My Side | 11. | The Untouchables |
Illusion's Parade (2009) |
 | 1. | Art of Deception | 2. | Mariner | 3. | Walk of Pain | 4. | Nothing | 5. | Virgin Mary | 6. | Eclipse of the Sun Cult | 7. | Illusions Parade | 8. | Armageddon Forever | 9. | Time for Madness | 10. | The Voyager |