Prostitute Disfigurement logo
Prostitute Disfigurement ének : Niels Adams
gitár : Roel
gitár : Benny
basszusgitár : Patrick
dob : Michiel van der Plicht

Albumok :

Disfigure demo (2000)
Prostitute Disfigurement - Disfigure demo1.Bloodless 
2.Feast On Remains 
3.On Her Guts I Cum 
4.Rotting Away 
Embalmed Madness (2001)
Prostitute Disfigurement - Embalmed Madness1.Slaughterhouse Sledgehammer 
2.Feasting on Remains 
3.Choking on Defecation 
5.Rotting Away is Better Than Being Gay 
6.Chainsaw Abortion 
9.On Her Guts I Cum 
10.Prostitute Disfigurement 
11.Cadaver Blowjob 
Deeds of Derangement (2003)
Prostitute Disfigurement - Deeds of Derangement1.Insides to Expose 
3.Deformed Slut 
4.Postmortal Devirginized 
5.Deeds of Derangement 
6.She`s Not Coming Home Tonight 
7.Repulsive to Kill 
8.G-B Massacre 
9.Cum Covered Stabwounds 
10.Screaming in Agony 
11.Skinned and Sodomized 
Left in Grisly Fashion (2005)
Prostitute Disfigurement - Left in Grisly Fashion1.Body to Ravage 
2.Freaking on the Mutilated 
3.Left in Grisly Fashion 
4.The Corpse Garden 
5.Bluedrum Torso 
6.Victims of the Absurd 
7.Shotgun Horror 
9.In Death`s Decay 
10.Bloodlust Redemption 
Descendants Of Depravity (2008)
Prostitute Disfigurement - Descendants Of Depravity1.Torn in Bloated Form 
2.The Sadist King and the Generallissimo Of Pain 
3.In Sanity Concealed 
4.Killing for Company 
5.Storm of the Fiend 
6.Life Depraved 
7.Carnal Rapture 
8.Fatal Fornication 
9.Sworn to Degeneracy 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Bad, drakula, HungAryan Metal Terrorist, Szaji666, Nitroglicerin, Massacrschmitt, atheist, Hellbull, Rob RoTTen, 6 6 6, NxBx, Spongliii, Sin Cara, zombi

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