Upon The Viking Stallion [Demo] (1993) |
![Summoning - Upon The Viking Stallion [Demo]](/kepek/zenekarok/s/summoning/272.uponthevikingstalliondemo.album.jpg) | 1. | As I Kneel Before The Northstar | 2. | Your Whish Is My Command | 3. | The Lords Prayer | 4. | Satans Realm | 5. | And I Softy Kissed My Sword | 6. | Raising With The Winterfrost | 7. | To Ride The Paths Of Legions Unknown |
The Urilia Text [Split] [Demo] (1994) |
![Summoning - The Urilia Text [Split] [Demo]](/kepek/zenekarok/s/summoning/272.theuriliatextsplitdemo.album.jpg) | 1. | Prologue | 2. | Der Mond Ward Der Erde Neue Sonne | 3. | Incantation Of The Firegod | 4. | The Urilia Abomination | 5. | Epilogue | 6. | Beyond Bloodred Horizons | 7. | Dragons Of Time |
Anno Mortui Domini 1959 [Demo] (1994) |
![Summoning - Anno Mortui Domini 1959 [Demo]](/kepek/zenekarok/s/summoning/272.annomortuidomini1959demo.album.jpg) | 1. | The Summoning (Verse III-VI The Infernal Cabbala) | 2. | Tales From The Northern Forest | 3. | Upon The Viking Stallion | 4. | Dark Age | 5. | In The Name Of The Holy Penis - God | 6. | Nordlichter | 7. | Jesus |
Nightshade Forests (EP) (1997) |
 | 1. | Mirkwood | 2. | Kortirion Among the Trees | 3. | Flesh and Blood | 4. | Habbanan Beneath the Stars |
Lost Tales (EP) (2003) |
 | 1. | Arcenstone | 2. | Saruman |
The Demon Tapes … Anno Mortui Domini 1959-1961 (2012) |
 | 1. | The Summoning | 2. | Tales From Northern Forests | 3. | Upon The Viking’s Stallion | 4. | Dark Age | 5. | In The Name Of The Holy Penis (God) | 6. | Nordlichter | 7. | Jesus | 8. | As I Kneel Before The Northstar | 9. | Your Wish Is My Command | 10. | The Lord’s Prayer | 11. | Satan’s Realm | 12. | And I Softly Kissed My Sword | 13. | Raising With The Winterfrost | 14. | To Ride The Paths Of Legions Unknown | 15. | The Valley Of The Frozen Kingdom | 16. | The Lord From The Shadowrealm | 17. | Where Darkness Is As Light | 18. | Der 7 Tore Schlussel | 19. | Soul Wandering | 20. | Lugburz | 21. | Morthond |
Old Mornings Dawn (2013) |
 | 1. | Evernight | 2. | Flammifer | 3. | Old Mornings Dawn | 4. | The White Tower | 5. | Caradhras | 6. | Of Pale White Morn | 7. | The Wandering Fire | 8. | Earthshine | 9. | The Darkening Of Valinor (Bonus Track) | 10. | With Fire And Sword (Bonus Track) |