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At The Gates - All Life Ends dalszöveg

My Life Fades The Visions Dim
All That Remains Are Memories
I Remember A Time Of Chaos Time Of War
As Men Began To Feed On Man
Only The Scavengers Survived
Gone Now, Swept Away For Reasons Long Forgotten
Touched Of A Blaze Which Engulfed Them All,
A Firestorm Of Fear The Answer Is Written In Their Bones,

All Life Ends

I Remember An Old Man Griping My Wrist,
He Was Dying "Imagine", He Said
"Looking Into The Eye Of A Nova,
The Bursting Flames, The Roar Of It's Energy,
Faintly Echoing Down The Corridors Of Time,

"All Life Ends"

"Death", He Said, "Is Like A Bolt Of Lightning,
Light Cast Upon Every Secret. Just For A Moment,
'Til The Last Spark Of Life Fades And All Is Dark"
Then He Breathed Out His Last Breath Into My Ear
His Gaze Already Way Out Among The Stars Among
The Ruins Of The Past I Shelter From The Storm My Mind
Is Numb From The Loneliness And The Rain That Never Stops
This Wasteland , Ones A Beautiful Place, Where Trees And Flowers Grew,
Where Deer Squirrels Had Their Home Now Rotting Are Their Bones
Where Raging Waters Grind The Earth I Go To End My Days
The Sea That Witnessed Mankinds Birth Shall Watch Us Die Again
Black And Deep, Empty Of Life As In Heaven So Below
The Sun Has Now Forever Set And Bids Our Time To Go
I Am Tired And I Fear Not, The Cold That Now Descends
As Light Grows Dim, I Bid Farevell

All Life Ends

I Am Leaving Now, My Body Stiff
Just Watching For A While That Rigid Shell,
So Small And Weak, A Corpse On A Broken Cliff
The Stars Are Calling Me Now With Distant, Speechless Voices
And Caught By A Wind I Drift Away And Nothing Calls Me To Stay
I Am Riding The Wind That Has No Name, The Fire That Burns Without A Flame
Caught By The Spell On Which All Depends,

All Life Ends

The Answer Is Written In Their Bones

All Life Ends
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