The fruit from the tree was so
pleasing to my eye. The serpent
said that I would not die.
The serpent shall be cursed, he
will crawl about and eat dust.
I will put enmity between the
woman and you. Man will crush
your head, you will strike his heel.
The wisdom of the world will be
mine if I eat. What can it hurt
if I take it and eat?
I will greatly increase the woman's
pain, when bearing children all of
your days. You will desire man.
He will rule over you.
Take some, man. Gain wisdom, too.
Eat from the tree.
It's what you must do.
The land will be cursed because of man.
Producing thorns to make him bleed.
By your sweat you will live until death.
Dust you are and to dust you will return. |