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Crisis(us) - 2 Minutes Hate dalszöveg

now just where the fuck have I gone. 
the days feel so old and cracked and your eyelids close-you shut me out. 
got run over by your words today, and everyone's a hazy shade of gray. 
and I don't know who I am anymore, don't know where I'm coming from, 
don't know where I'm going to but I kinda want to hate you. 
I'm screaming till my bones break, but you swear you didn't even hear a whisper. 
I'm always left to pick up your pieces. 
a room of gold and you see red. 
what is there left that I can believe in... 
this so useless so dead and so ugly your eyes so disgusting so hating degrading... 
a room of gold and you see red. what is there left that I can believe in... 
now just where the fuck have I gone. 
the days feel so old and cracked and your eyelids close-you shut me out. 
and just where did I get lost. where did you go and where have I gone. 
it's back to me again. 
hair as fire. eyes as sharp as switchblades breathing death into my arms. 
fingers dripping scarlet... what is there left that I can beleieve in... 
I am so numb. I can't feel anything anymore. 
I am trapped in a shell and I can't feel anything anymore. 
I am so numb. ican't feel anything anymore. 
I can't feel me. I can't see me. I can't feel me...
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