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Crisis(us) - A Graveyard For Bitches dalszöveg

He's an invader on a misson. Got a built - in weapon. 
Gotta stake his claim, Leave his mark, then go conquer 
all over again. He's becoming a weapon, A flesh and bone 
knife. He's been taught to conquer and kill. A prefect 
Student with an animalistic will. His body's a weapon, A 
weapon of war. He leaves his mark,and it's deep from his 
insides. It's like she's the raw meat, and he's drawing the 
flies, He's not the only one, the mindset multiplies, the 
mindset Multiplies. Like little soldiers with orders from 
the hive, like a modern primitive tribe. Animus primitized 
in the jungle of life. Human but hubris perverted by the 
hive. Societal sickness only pigues curiosity, Goes without 
scrutiny, Becomes inherited Victimology history. Heart 
grows Cold as stone. Sharpens the soul, Works over flesh 
and bone, till it's tough and unbreakable and all softness 
is gone. He takes something away, she's dead alive. Afraid 
to look his own inevitable death in the eye, a beast comes 
to life! in her blood he's baptised by this soul sex genocide; 
the thrill is in the taking. He's an invader, his body's 
a weapon, He's going to pillage the flesh frontier. Gonna 
stab jab invade penetrate degrade chop slice dice victimize 
crack gash stab tear hack till the meat is off the 
hook... Warm blood won't wash away a dirty shame. 
Split open veins, still won't sweeten a sour hate. Can you 
hear them screaming..... He's in too deep, he's in too deep, 
She's dead alive. Headless torso, arms and legs; their ghosts 
still remain, lifegiving wombs,birthing his pain.
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