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Crisis(us) - Drilling Me dalszöveg

Standing all alone I see you smile and it tears right through me. 
So what good were you for anyway, Don't know just need to find 
a way to LET GO.. And the candle's burning bright, 
Come on into my DARKNESS, it's kinda safe here, don't have to 
think about my bruises. Going DOWN, going DOWN. And all the 
shit's that in your eyes. Standing all alone I see you smile and it 
tears right through me. Come back into my darkness, it's kinda 
safe here don't have to DOWN, I'm goning DOWN, I'm going down 
all over me, what's going on in your head. 
Standing all alone I see you smile and it tears right through me. 
So what good were you for anyway, Don't know can't seem to find 
a way to LET GO. 
You're going DOWN. And I see your eyes now I walk away, don't 
leave me here. Going down, I'm going down. Standing all alone 
I see you smile and it tears right through me, so what good 
were you for anyway don't know can't seem to find a way to LET 
GO. You're going down, in your eyes I see the LIES the ones that 
tear you up inside. You're going down.
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