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Crisis(us) - In The Shadow of The Sun dalszöveg

(the horizon closed down...) 
what did you see before the world went dark? 
I know I have no home now, (no place to hide). 
my home is in your space, 
STRANGER. (no place to hide) 
the edge of the water cracks, 
and you can see they all have the same face. 
BROTHER, is there room for a sister now that your bed is gone? 
Brother, friend is foe, and life is a struggle to survive. 
(like dust and we fall and we fall and we fall... the horizon closed down). 
what did you see before the world went dark? 
I know I have no home now. give me some place to hide. 
no escaping the HORIZON. no escaping the WAR. 
brother, we are HOME. (the horizon closed down).
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