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Crisis(us) - Sweething dalszöveg

And our eyes meet, And of course, you say something stupid: 
"Yo red, yo baby, I like that, I'd FUCK that. Look at those tits, 
ooh that ass, hey pussy, I'll fuck you and your girlfriend, let me 
suck your clit. Hey CUNT, I'm talking to YOU! Look at me bitch, 
I'm talking to you. Hey cunt, I'll kill you bitch, don't you walk 
away from me pussy, I said I'm talking to you bitch! Where's my 
fucking present baby?" Don't violate me, Don't give a fuck what 
you have to stay. Don't violate me! Yeah yeah yeah! So you think 
you've got me fingered, I think you're looking like a FOOL, 
dumb fucking fool! Can't violate me. Don't violate me! 
You're full of nothing but shit, your knees will never rise, 
don't take it out on me! this cunt is MINE. Don't need your dick 
in me boy, can't get it up enough for me boy. I can get it if I want it, 
don't need your screaming in my face, can't rape this, can't rape this. 
Don't need your dick, don't need your shit, in me boy.... 
"So just don't think you're doing me any favors as you stand there 
whistling at me like I'm some kind of fucking DOG who's supposed 
to come after you wagging my tail. Just don't think you're doing 
me any favors.`Cuz I think you're a piece of weak shit. And you're 
gonna BURN, and you're gonna BURN, and I'm going to do it to ya, 
You dumb fuck!
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