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Degradead - The Fallen dalszöveg

Falling down
to the shadows
Laid the ground
For your own sake
Feel the cause
of your death
Just pleed
and beg

Despair one explanation
Did you tumble on your way down
On your way down
I've laid my fear
Besides your dark grave
What are you craving for
Which part can you hear
There's only one answer
I carried the cross
I died for you

Bleed my blood
take in the greed
For lust,
I'd kill you
With my bare hands
waiting to pay
Decide your own way

Despair one explanation
Did you tumble on your way down
On your way down
I've laid my fear
Besides your dark grave
What are you craving for
Which part can you hear
There's only one answer
I carried the cross
I died for you

strike you like a bomb
for the good in this world
the path you will take
the grave you're stuck in
The grave you're stuck in

Despair one explanation
Did you tumble on your way down
On your way down
I've laid my fear
Besides your dark grave
What are you craving for
Which part can you hear
There's only one answer
I carried the cross
I died for you
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