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Dusk - An Image About an Infinitely Cold Soul dalszöveg

Bloody tears falls from the dried eyes 
Falls into the cold waters like the leaded drops 
Infinitely cold soul 
An infinitely cold water 
Every weigh of blood drops tears the calm surface 
Making waves and deeply tears to its bottom 
In this so dark and so cold water 
Every waves and ripples are one and one screaming 
One and one screaming for the riddance 
One and one screaming for the death 
An infinitely cold soul 
An infinitely cold water 
This lead weighed blood tears gathers on the bottom of the water 
The eyes are so dries 
Doesn't dropping anything from those already 
Maybe the water is filling with tears slowly 
It is already full, because it makes an isle 
An isle of the last pain 
Where it can rest 
Because the cold water is slowly drying up 
Don't leaving anything but the wounds of the bottom of the dried channel
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