Disciple of symbols,
preaching ignorance
Cruel and illogical deity,
adherent of life denying doctrines
A prophecy of genocide
Your promise of genocide
Lost in streams of insanity,
craving your dirty piece
of a Parasite Paradise
Disciple of symbols,
alone in the darkest pit,
Crawling in the shadows(beneath the cross...)
Decayed morals
Disciple of symbols,
preaching ignorance
Cruel and illogical deity,
adherent of life denying doctrines
A prophecy of genocide
Your promise of genocide
Lost in streams of insanity,
craving your dirty piece
of a Parasite Paradise
Recycling the body of Christ,
infected with stupefied manners
The rotting blood running your veins,
eating you from the inside
Disciple of symbols,
alone in the darkest pit,
Crawling in the shadows(beneath the cross...)
Decayed morals
Parasite Paradise |