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Follow The Swallow - New Choice dalszöveg

Hey! Come with us, we can show you what the hardest road is
Don't be afraid when you think that the point of no return is here
					Vocal:wanna see the truth I know?

You’re doing bad things and always playing games 
but how do you feel when you have to face the same

you, cheater, preacher, gambler n' dealer
I don't wanna be your leader.

Everybody flaunts it 'n' everone's prying,
Fuck away your precious time  with self-pity and crying
Break down the barriers of your life and overcome your deluded mind

Say enough
'cause now everybody knows
only you can't see
c'mon listen to my voice

Say goodbye
You gotta realize
You always, you've always got a new choice

Let's make forever treasured dreams come true and accept they can be real
Believe in me, and you'll find there's a way to live
				  Vocal: in truth and honesty

But you're still... 

Doing bad things and always playing games, 
but how do you feel when you have to face the same

you, cheater, preacher, gambler n' dealer
I don't wanna be your leader

Everybody flaunts it 'n' everone's prying,
Fuck away your precious time  with self-pity and crying
Bring down the barriers of your life and overcome your deluded mind

Say enough
'cause now everybody knows
only you can't see
c'mon listen to my voice

Say goodbye
You gotta realize
You always, you've always got a new choice!

(Drum theme)
Who do you think you are,
	Crushed the past, now I just smile (on you)
Sometimes you ask how am I, and
	I can only say : "Thanks I'M Fine!"
Nobody sees when you're a lover
	Do as you can, DO AS YOU CAN!
and leave me, don't tell me anything, 
	please listen to your inner voice

Say enough
'cause now everybody knows
only you can't see
c'mon listen to my voice

Say goodbye
You gotta realize
You always, you've always got a new choice
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2014.02.02. 16:25:32

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