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Iperyt - Transgression of Inhumanity 04:01 dalszöveg

Transgression of Inhumanity

Can you hear the coming storm of roaring hellfire? 
Come! ... and see your pathetic world 
Dying in fire of purification. 
Bloodshed, genocide 

Blackned end of humankind! 
Opression, tyrrany 
Life be gone, the truth revealed. 

Flesh of lambs begins to rot. 
Transgression of inhumanity 
Perversion coronated 
Bloodrenched worship of sodomy. 

Blackned end of humankind! 
Opression, tyrrany 
Life be gone, the truth revealed. 

Only the obdurate hearts 
Are destined to conquer and rule 
From the throne of abomination 
I scatter the ashes of dying generations. 
Manifestation of rapacious will 
The madness of yesterday becomes the logic of tomorrow 
World collpase unleashes the vengeful ones 
Fall from grace, the predators are no longer chained. 

This the dawn of obscurity 
This the dawn of a new aeon 
The revelation of annihilation 
Devourment of pitiful life. 

Flesh of lambs begins to rot. 
Transgression of inhumanity 
Perversion coronated 
Bloodrenched worship of sodomy. 
Can you hear the coming storm of roaring hellfire? 
Come and see your pathetic world 
Dying in fire of purification.
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