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Jumpin` Jesus - Cloning the Future dalszöveg

I, I can move, I can chew
 Yet I can not see
 I can think, IQ 300
 And I live in thee
 I'm the clone inside your womb
 Mommy, how d'ya feel
 I will eat my way to light
 And you are my meal

 You expect my day of birth
 Still don't know you'll die
 Yet I need you to feed me
 With your flesh and mind

 We are perfect, we are one
 And we're born to reign
 Chemical intelligence
 Programmed to maintain
 We are future, you are past
 Your rage is much too weak
 We will live in symmetry

 I don't know love or hate
 I'm emotionless
 I don't need law or religion
 Don't need sleep or rest
 Cold immortal, man-machine
 And I'm growing fast
 Still your heart keeps pounding, mom
 I'll tear it out at last

 I'm your child, a parasite
 I eat you alive
 You are useless like your kind
 When I come to life

 (The cloning machine speaks)
 "Operation genesis processing unstoppable
 We'll soon enter phase four
 300 new, indestructible units on the line
 Circuits normal, flash green
 Order to robot - police
 300 female individuals needed for implantation
 Emergency level seven
 Resistant bodies have to be terminated"

 Now I'm born, finally
 Mommy you are dead
 You fulfilled your duty
 Kept me warm and fed
 Now I have to leave you
 Take my place in line
 To renew this planet
 Rest in peace, good bye

 Embodied technology
 This is all I am
 Nature's final nemesis
 And you all are damned

 We will build a new decade
 Of no wars, no crime
 We're all equal, lookalikes
 Reproduced each time
 You are only blisters
 On this planet's face
 Human race, your time has come
 To let us take your place

 So now you're lost in time...
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