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Jumpin` Jesus - Rotten Flesh dalszöveg

Sitting between painted lines
 And you hum spells from long ago
 Summoning demons from beyond
 To ensure life will never end
 Candles shine blackened light
 Kill the woman you possess
 Rise your blade, blood flows through your hands
 You're a pa rt of this evil plans

 Caught in the satanic maze
 You sold your soul for decay
 So now the treaty's fulfilled
 Your rotten flesh living still

 Fooled since you began
 You'll live forever now
 Thousand years damned to walk this earth
 While your flesh will decay
 Pray for death, calls remain unheard
 And you'll serve Satan forever
 You brought two souls for one
 You've played with a force so strong - go to hell!

 Caught in the satanic maze
 You sold your soul for decay
 So now the treaty's fulfilled
 Your rotten flesh living still

 Caught in the satanic maze
 You sold your soul for decay
 So now the treaty's fulfilled
 Your rotten flesh living still

 Are useless like your kind when I come to life
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