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Jumpin` Jesus - The King of Worms dalszöveg

Carry me away
 Right out of this nightmare
 Am I really dreaming
 Or maybe on drugs
 No don't tell me
 Don't tell me it's real... aaaaaarrrrgggghhh!

 Disillusioned minds
 Revelation burns
 Face this land's decline
 Face the king of worms

 Conflict is the law
 Pressure point of souls
 Negative parades
 In the social mold


 Dead and dumb and blind
 Nothing left to learn
 Rotting in our slime
 Hail the king of worms

 Here is where we dwell
 Crawling in disgust
 Wrenches in our hell
 Suffocate lust
 High above the towers
 Ugly, fat and mad
 Braindead he devours
 All the things we had

 Curse that damned election
 When he took the throne
 And our twilight future
 Scares us to the bone

 Do we lie destroyed
 History's wheel will turn
 While we race towards ruin
 Fuck you, king of worms!

 Do you wanna take the place
 Of the chancellor
 Of the federal republic of Germany?


 Day by day
 Out for prey
 In our street
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