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Jumpin` Jesus - Thru In4cers I`s dalszöveg

Astralized demons
 Tore me out of womb
 Slowly I awaken
 In my cursed tomb

 Wayward son Belial
 Satisfy my needs
 Smooth the way for me
 So I will succeed

 Smash the curse
 Upon the human prey
 Shred the flesh
 Lost souls will decay

 Seas of blood
 Drown my weakened enemies
 Swept away
 Into black obscurity
 Take command
 Ancient insect from below
 Spread your plague
 Where the blackened rivers flow - heed my plea
 Ruler of the desert storms
 Answer me
 Twist the bodies yet unborn
 The elder forces will reveal
 And make sure
 The fiery gates remain unsealed

 The leader
 I've become
 And I will reign
 Till there are none
 Final day
 It'll be my turn
 And with pleasure
 I will burn

 Victims of my hatred
 Face the boiling sky
 Thunderbolts of triumph
 Hail my kingdom's rise

 Army of the abyss
 Given human shape
 Undermine the holy
 Destroy time and space
 By mortals they teach
 And don't even doubt
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