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Long Play 33 1/3 - I`m Free dalszöveg

I’m Free

You should see me,
You should feel the same,
to understand what it means to me.

You should hear me,
You should listen to me with Your mind’s ear too,
to realise why I do what I do.

’cause I’m sentenced to it, can’t tear its chain off, 
can’t it’s lock yet,
as it stems from my vein, there’s no way out of it.

Being free,
It’s the only truth about me 	- yeah-yeah-yeah,
It’s me   -Yeah,
That’s how I feel    - Yeah,
I’m free,
Nothing else, nothing else, nothing else
is real.


You always have a last resort,
to see the world through me.
Just let me share it with You,
and You’ll know how to be like me.

Cause’ I am free,
Yeah as You could be,
yeah, yeah, yeah, just be free,
Yeah see what I see,
Yeah, feel it with me.

And there’s no escape,
but I do not care, ’cause

I’m free
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