Lip gloss
a star for one hour
a star for one trip
The direct perception of truth
caught her in a unrestrained vortex of loneliness
stricken by the fear of death
the floor was strewn with needles
sticking in the intellect
bought love and mendacious beauty
the absence of security shattered her heart
the love is gone… too weak…too sick…all alone…
and what is your price???
Lip gloss covered with sunlight and shades
(The fast buck accepted from kerb-crawling shadows
Her shame is slaughtered and
the juggernaut of alcohol is gagging her
anything is better than nothing
but not for this price)
too weak to make her confession
water drips through the crack in her ceiling
there is no shelter for sinners in this world
every day fresh wounds stick in her mind
like thorns getting caught in the flesh
this shame for her parents blows out her brain
a star for one hour
a star for one trip
Lip gloss covered with sunlight and shades |