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Nightrage - Ethereal dalszöveg

With borrowed smiles and masks,
selling values and frightening
spirits which had nothing to give you
i want to know if you live or if you are dead

Dressed in mourning cursed beings
cut out since the beginning of time with the original sin

I want to speak and look so profoundly inside this debris heart
can you hear me?
She wrapped with ethereal veils and shrouds

You tried to see behind wounded eyes
Doomed to float in the maelstrom of war

You sit there and wait they had nothing to give you
Sinful passions and leer glances want to rending your soul

Dressed in mourning cursed beings
cut out since the beginning of time with the original sin

I pity you for your wretchedness
I don't think that you have ever lived for me you were always dead

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