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P.hill - Black Hearts Arise dalszöveg

Black hearts arise

Verse 1: 

Dark is the night when the time and the space are running out of control
Wisdom and knowledge of forgotten ages are nothing againts this vigour
Timeless war! With hate in their souls, the battle is on our door-step
Lightning will crush that will be the sign to the assault can be started

Verse 2:

Screams will fly through of the silence of darkness, they rise againts our freedom
Now I am alone in the fields of the despaired souls of this world of rancour
The realm of eternel pain and suffer, this will waiting for us
New ruler of worlds between life and death is the one who has got the Blackest Heart...we die  


Slaves!! - We are
Kings!! - They are
Black hearts arise and our wold will fall apart...tonight

After chours:

They rise...we fall!
Agonizing turn of this worlds decay
No more...freedom!
Black hearts the kings by now

Ending bridge:

New aeon has begun in the history of our world...
Black hearts arise and our world will fade to darkness...
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