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P.hill - Inside The Raging Storm dalszöveg

Inside the raging storm


Despair!! Confusion!!
Fear in the souls
Our word collapse
And we will merge...


...In dust (in dust) and the sins of human race
Murder his own persuasion
And frozen tears will fall to the ground this night...
The suffering will be over
...Ooh I have left behind at now...
Inside the raging storm I commit suicide


Misleading, untrue words
A lullaby, and you will die...
A world which controlled by liars and traitors
They're on top of that devarstating storm

Verse 2:

Mankind...Ahhh...enemy of his tribe
They make their assault to broke the dream of life
Sense the light and try....stand in the storm
Descending genus of this aeon of our world
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