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P.hill - Ode Of The Outlaws dalszöveg

Ode of the outlaws

Verse 1:

On a silence, dark and cloudy night
The outlaws are singing, under the moonless sky
They're singing their lives, what it's all about
They're singing aloud the outlaws's ode


Think not about pain, fear and sorrow
They're singing aloud the outlaws's ode


They walk on their way..the way of freedom
They walk along the outlaws's home

Verse 2:

When the sun is raising up
Their departure already has began
They are hunted but they don't fear
They fly through the sky and the deep blue sea

Verse 3:

They had left their homes for this new life-feeling
And don’t care about that pain
This spirit is strong enough, to be alive forever
And walk on the way, and singing the outlaws's ode....
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