Hozzászólások : |
2015.05.16. 14:05:00
ugyan. ez a srác itt mellettem az unokatesóm, úgyhogy nekem szabad :D a felvidéki Paranoid zenekarban gitározik. és ez a kép meg 2013-ban készült az általuk szervezett fesztiválon. *módosítva: 2015-05-16 14:07:03 |
My biggest fear is that this is not the work of the Devil, because there can be no Devil, if there is no God, and if there were a God, he would never allow such suffering. I see people ground up in the gears of his anarchy, I see people in anguish, I've come to believe that we are living in a great void. |
2015.05.15. 21:48:11
Szóval bejárásod van a celebek közé is :)
Milyen koncert volt egyébként? |
2015.05.15. 13:28:38
nem. csak koncert előtt álltak a fiúk, én meg benéztem hozzájuk a bekksztédzsbe. |
My biggest fear is that this is not the work of the Devil, because there can be no Devil, if there is no God, and if there were a God, he would never allow such suffering. I see people ground up in the gears of his anarchy, I see people in anguish, I've come to believe that we are living in a great void. |
2015.05.15. 10:21:32
3 ember 3 gitár valaki még penget is... Gondoltam hogy tudás össze mérés volt. |
2015.05.14. 15:58:57
milyen gitárpárbaj? |
My biggest fear is that this is not the work of the Devil, because there can be no Devil, if there is no God, and if there were a God, he would never allow such suffering. I see people ground up in the gears of his anarchy, I see people in anguish, I've come to believe that we are living in a great void. |
2015.05.13. 20:43:56
És ki nyerte a gitár párbajt? :) |