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Nervekiller - Dream with maggots tab

112 – Dream with maggots


I don’t care with your flags

I don’t care with your speech

You are all the same for me

Filthy swines who batten on me


Worms are laughig at lambs

As they suck their blood

As they praise themselves

How long we bear…


This comedy

This shame

This pain


I imagine

As you pray for mercy

Your gun in my hand

I become your hangman

To fulfil your end


Worms are laughing at lambs

Our patience endless

Because we are so weak

How long we bear…


This comedy

This shame

This pain


I imagine

As you pray for mercy

Your gun in my hand

I become your hangman

To fulfil your end


I wanna be rope on your neck

I wanna be knife in your back

I wanna be poison when you thirsting

I wanna take your hope when you dying

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