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Nervekiller - Glorify the deviance tab

Glorify the deviance

I take a shit in the hands of the beggar

To take a proof of my sovereignty

I fuck your woman with a fuckin dagger

My only motivation is the sincerity


You can’t do it bastard!

You can’t do it bastard!

Remember what the angel says on your shoulder


You can’t do it bastard!

You can’t do it bastard!

I’m sorry just the words of evil gives me rapture


I don’t need conscience!


From this day I will forget all my life…

With all my life…

With all my lies…

I glorify the deviance


So I spit in your face my guardian angel

Your ethics missing form my dictionary

Faith, honor, respect of fellow-men

Only meaningless words for me


Please don’t judge me brother!

I just live like the bigger half of the world


Please don’t judge me brother!

The stronger dog fucks – always I heard


I don’t need conscience!


Bass lead: Sandor

Lead: Attila


Please don’t judge me brother!

I just live like the bigger half of the world

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