Angel Corpse logo
Angel Corpse bassz/ének : Pete Helmkamp
gitár : Gene Palubicki
dob (koncerteken) : J.R. Daniels
gitár (koncerteken) : Steve Bailey

Albumok :

Goats to Azazael Demo (1996)
Angel Corpse - Goats to Azazael 	Demo1.1. Perversion Enthroned 
2.2. Scapegoat 
3.3. Soulflayer 
4.4. Lord of the Funeral Pyre 
Hammer of Gods (1996)
Angel Corpse - Hammer of Gods1.1. Consecration 
2.2. Envenomed 
3.3. When Abyss Winds Return 
4.4. Lord of the Funeral Pyre 
5.5. Black Solstice 
6.6. The Scapegoat 
7.7. Soulflayer 
8.8. Perversion Enthroned 
9.9. Sodomy Curse 
Nuclear Hell Single (1997)
Angel Corpse - Nuclear Hell  	Single1.1. Envenomed (live) 
2.2. Sodomy Curse (live) 
Wolflust Single (1997)
Angel Corpse - Wolflust  	Single1.1. Wolflust 
2.2. Burning in Hell (Possessed cover) 
Exterminate (1998)
Angel Corpse - Exterminate1.1. Christhammer 
2.2. Wartorn 
3.3. Into the Storm of Steel 
4.4. Phallelujah 
5.5. Reap the Whirlwind 
6.6. That Which Lies Upon 
7.7. Embrace 
8.8. Sons of Vengeance 
The Inexorable (1999)
Angel Corpse - The Inexorable1.1. Stormgods Unbound 
2.2. Smoldering in Exile 
3.3. Reaver 
4.4. Wolflust 
5.5. As Predator to Prey 
6.6. Solar Wills 
7.7. Begotten (Through Blood & Flame) 
8.8. The Fall of the Idols of Flesh 
Iron, Blood & Blasphemy Best of/Compilation (2001)
Angel Corpse - Iron, Blood & Blasphemy  	Best of/Compilation1.1. When Abyss Winds Return 
2.2. Desecration of Virgin (Sarcófago cover) 
3.3. Demon Seed (Morbid Angel cover) 
4.4. Kill Again (Slayer cover) 
5.5. Eat Me Alive (Judas Priest cover) 
6.6. Wolflust 
7.7. Burning in Hell (Possessed cover) 
8.8. Pleasure to Kill (Kreator cover) 
9.9. Genghis Kahn (Iron Maiden instrumental cover) 
10.10. Phallelujah (live) 
11.11. Reap the Whirlwind (live) 
12.12. Envenomed (live) 
13.13. Sodomy Curse (live) 
14.14. Perversion Enthroned 
15.15. The Scapegoat 
16.16. Soulflayer 
17.17. Lord of the Funeral Pyre 
Death Dragons Of The Apocalypse (2002)
Angel Corpse - Death Dragons Of The Apocalypse1.1. Christhammer 
2.2. Wolflust 
3.3. Scapegoat 
4.4. Phalleluja 
5.5. When Abyss Winds Return 
6.6. Sons of Vengeance 
7.7. Scapegoat 
8.8. When Abyss Winds Return 
9.9. Envenomed 
10.10. Soulflayer 
11.11. Perversion Enthroned 
12.12. Consecration 
13.13. Reap the Whirlwind 
14.14. Sodomy Curse 
15.15. Wartorn 
Of Lucifer And Lightning (2007)
Angel Corpse - Of Lucifer And Lightning1.1. Credo Decimatus 
2.2. Antichrist Vanguard 
3.3. Machinery of the Cleansing 
4.4. Hexensabbat 
5.5. Extermination Sworn 
6.6. Saints of Blasphemy 
7.7. Thrall 
8.8. Shining One (Rex Luciferi) 
9.9. Lustmord 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
GABO, sadist inventor, Norsk, SzilvaMetál, METAL4EVER, Necrofost, Chroa, Massacrschmitt, 666DEATH METAL666, Egy életen át ROCKER!!!!!!!!!!, Dávid Draiman, Devilizer, izmi, Victoria94, Hellbull, wiglafSS

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