Jedem das Seine (2003) |
 | 1. | Religion of the Blood | 2. | Jedem das Seine |
Marching on to Victory (2004) |
 | 1. | Determination | 2. | Sturm V | 3. | Unity of Blood | 4. | Marching on to Victory | 5. | Bless Our Arms | 6. | Sun of Predappio | 7. | Holy Order | 8. | Militant Struggle | 9. | Sturm V /2006/ (Bonus track) | 10. | Divina Patria (Bonus track) |
United in Blood /Arditi & Toroidh/ (Split) (2004) |
 | 1. | I | 2. | II | 3. | III | 4. | IV | 5. | V | 6. | VI | 7. | VII | 8. | VIII | 9. | IX | 10. | X | 11. | XI |
Spirit of Sacrifice (2005) |
 | 1. | Palingenesis | 2. | Religion of the Blood | 3. | Spirit of Sacrifice | 4. | Nicht mehr Schande | 5. | Our Misfotune | 6. | The Measures of Our Age | 7. | Blood Firmament | 8. | Sieg Durch Zwecksetzung | 9. | Exeunt |
Standards of Triumph (2006) |
 | 1. | Standards of Triumph | 2. | Ploughshares into Swords | 3. | Deathmarch | 4. | Legionaries | 5. | The Absolute Essence | 6. | That Day of Infamy | 7. | Blood, All Blood | 8. | Veer and Perish | 9. | The Sinking Ship |
Destiny of Iron (EP) (2006) |
 | 1. | Destiny of Iron | 2. | Struggle for Victory |
Omne Ensis Impera (2008) |
 | 1. | Omne Ensis Impera | 2. | Der Angriff geht weiter | 3. | Decisive War | 4. | Perserverance Is All | 5. | Profound Truths | 6. | Sons of God | 7. | Onwards! | 8. | Cladem Nescimus | 9. | Endkampf |
Statues of Gods (Split) (2010) |
 | 1. | Introit | 2. | Statues of Gods | 3. | Baragi |
Leading the Iron Resistance (2011) |
 | 1. | Leading the Iron Resistance | 2. | False Mask of Freedom | 3. | Volunteers | 4. | Military Virtue | 5. | Fahnen Ewigkeit | 6. | Arming for War | 7. | Forging a New Man | 8. | We the Unity, You the Mass | 9. | A Giant Bleeds |