Beheaded logo
Beheaded bassz : David Cachia
gitár : Robert Agius
gitár : Omar Grech
ének : Frank Calleja
dobok : Chris Brincat

2015-03-12 Budapest - Showbarlang - Death is Evil! Fellépők: Beheaded, Christ Agony, Desire For Sorrow, Hour Of Penance, Sin Of God Be: 3500Ft. Kezdés: 20:00 Flyer
Beheaded is a Death metal band from Malta. They were formed in 1991, by singer Marcel Scalpello, guitarist David Bugeja, and drummer Chris Brincat. They have performed in Malta, Europe, and the US, and have released several albums.

Albumok :

Souldead (1995)
Beheaded - Souldead 1.Root of Ambiguity 
2.Rigorous Aberration 
3....Luciferian Enthronement 
Perpetual Mockery (1998)
Beheaded - Perpetual Mockery 1.Transcendental Iniquity 
2.Perpetual Mockery 
3.Inborn Lust 
4.Subconscious Deliverance 
5.Void of Empathy 
6.Ethereal Passages 
7.Vae Victus (Prayer for the Vanquished) 
8.Omnipotent Carnage 
10.Suffer in Silence 
Resurgence of Oblivion (2000)
Beheaded - Resurgence of Oblivion 1.Transmutation of Veracity 
2.Extortion of Benevolence 
3.Resurgence of Oblivion 
4.Paramnesic Dream 
5.Suffer Some More 
Recounts of Disembodiment (2002)
Beheaded - Recounts of Disembodiment 1.Broken Thoughts of Righteousness 
2.Horde of the Stolen Sun 
3.Recounts of Disembodiment 
4.Consecrated Absurdities 
5.Compelling Derangement 
6.Inherited Plague 
7.Fed Upon Odium 
9.Spreading Contagion 
Ominous Bloodline (2005)
Beheaded - Ominous Bloodline 1.Crowned With Repression 
2.Esoteric Kin 
3.Conceived to Dominate 
4.Vaults of Ageless Pain 
5.Depths of Sore 
6.Ominous Bloodline 
7.Ill Remains 
8.Scourging Repudiation 
9.Rooted in Profundity 
Never to Dawn (2012)
Beheaded - Never to Dawn1.Elapsed in the Vortex of Extinction 
2.Lament of a Sordid God 
3.Where Hours Etch Their Name 
4.Perished into Inexistence 
5.Never to Dawn 
6.Dead Silence 
7.Towards an Abducted Sun 
8.Descent into Sanguinary Seas 
9.The Ancient Acumen 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
666DEATH METAL666, Nitroglicerin, Valaki a sok közül, juszuf, HungAryan Metal Terrorist, Hellbull, Koko 01, 6 6 6, Sin Cara

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