For the Return of Paganism (EP) (2001) |
 | 1. | For The Return Of Paganism... | 2. | Aske / The Depressive Vision Of The Cursed Warriors (Burzum cover) |
Feuerzauber (Demo) (2001) |
 | 1. | Flammenschwur | 2. | Sonnenwende | 3. | Feuerzauber | 4. | Allvater Wotan (Landser cover) | 5. | Der Rabengott | 6. | ...bis Germanien erwacht | 7. | Ausklang |
Bilskirnir/Szálasi (Split) (2002) |
 | 1. | Bilskirnir - For The Return Of Paganism... | 2. | Szálasi - Kard, kereszt, korona |
In Flames of Purification (2002) |
 | 1. | For Victory We Ride | 2. | In Flames of Purification | 3. | Revenge | 4. | Die Lichtung | 5. | Barbarism Returns (Graveland cover) | 6. | Valhalla is Calling | 7. | ...bis Germanien erwacht | 8. | Feuerzauber | 9. | For the Return of Paganism... |
Bilskirnir/Nordreich (Split) (2003) |
 | 1. | Bilskirnir - Die Wacht | 2. | Nordreich - Nehmt mir das Licht | 3. | Nordreich - Instrumental |
Totenheer/Rammbock (Split) (2003) |
 | 1. | Bilskirnir - Totenheer | 2. | Bilskirnir - Asa-Tyr | 3. | Bilskirnir - Gebrechlichkeit (Burzum cover) | 4. | Bilskirnir - Ausklang | 5. | Finsterwald - Rammbock | 6. | Finsterwald - Die Reise des Tyrannen in das transzendentale Reich der Finsternis | 7. | Finsterwald - Through the Occult Veil |
Allied By Heathen Blood (Split) (2007) |
 | 1. | Hunok - Megtorlás | 2. | Bilskirnir - Wir Rufen Deine Wölfe | 3. | Bilskirnir - Sanguisque Solum |
German-Southern Brotherhood (Split) (2008) |
 | 1. | Bilskirnir - Feuer und Schwert | 2. | Bilskirnir - Vorväter | 3. | Bilskirnir - Asa-Tyr | 4. | Evil - Aryanhord Holocaust | 5. | Evil - Blood and War! | 6. | Evil - Marchando para o Holocausto | 7. | Evil - A Southern War from the Winter´s March | 8. | Evil - Diabolism / The Black Arts of Goat | 9. | Evil - The Era of Darkness Prevails |
Under the Sign of the Hammer (Split) (2009) |
 | 1. | Bilskirnir - Ancient Honour | 2. | Evil - Triumph Of Sword | 3. | Pantheon - Pledge To Our Bannered Legions |
Dem Feind entgegen (EP) (2011) |
 | 1. | Dem Feind entgegen | 2. | Hunting at Night | 3. | Wir rufen Deine Wölfe | 4. | Through the Occult Veil (Graveland cover) |