Ten Torments of the Damned demo (1996) |
 | 1. | Priest of Ass | 2. | The Axe Will Fall | 3. | Mad Cow Conspiracy | 4. | Parasitic Infestation | 5. | Projectile Pig Vomit | 6. | Flesheating Disease | 7. | Species of Feces | 8. | Bodysnatcher | 9. | Christ on crack | 10. | Nightcrawler |
Human Jerky ep (1999) |
 | 1. | Cloned For Carrion | 2. | Parasitic Infestation (Extracted Pus, Mistaken For Yogurt, And Gargled) | 3. | Unclogged And Ready For Spewage | 4. | Gestation Of Smegma | 5. | Mute Rain | 6. | Flesh-Eating Disease (Flu-Like Symptoms Of E-Coli With Complete Digestive Shutdown) | 7. | The Decapitation Of Cattle | 8. | Constipation Camp | 9. | Intro To Carnage | 10. | Cream Of The Crop | 11. | Mad Cow Conspiracy (Bloated Bovine-Home To Flies And Anthrax Spores) | 12. | Veal And The Cult Of Torture | 13. | Stench From The Dumpster | 14. | Body Snatcher (Viscera Intact-Ripe For Devourment) | 15. | Roadkill Removal Technician | 16. | Bovine, Swine, And Human-Rinds | 17. | Bludgeoned, Beaten, And Barbequed | 18. | Colon-Blo {Plus Hidden Track} |
Homovore ep (2000) |
 | 1. | Mauled | 2. | Joined At The Ass | 3. | Open Human Head Experiments With Bleach Laquer and Epoxy | 4. | Diarrhea Of The Mouth | 5. | Headcheese | 6. | Colostomy Jigsaw Puzzle | 7. | Pepe`s Trepes | 8. | Release The Gimp | 9. | The Roadside Dead (Detrunked Stumpification Through Roadrash) | 10. | Carnal Fecophelia Due To Prolonged Exposure To Methane | 11. | Icepick Gag Reflex | 12. | Bathing In A Grease Disposal Unit | 13. | Molested / Digested | 14. | Wine Of The Sanguine | 15. | Ride `em Cowboy | 16. | Human Jerky And The Active Cultures |
¡Decapitacion! single (2000) |
 | 1. | Tripas De Pepe | 2. | Vino De Lo Sanguifero | 3. | Queso De Cabeza |
To Serve Man (2002) |
 | 1. | Testicular Manslaughter | 2. | I Eat Your Skin | 3. | Writhe In Putressence | 4. | Land Of The Severed Meatus | 5. | The Regurgitation Of Corpses | 6. | Everyone Deserves To Die | 7. | To Serve Man | 8. | Colonic Villus Biopsy Performed On The Gastro-Intestinally Incapable | 9. | Pedeadstrians | 10. | Long-Pig Chef And The Hairless Goat | 11. | Hypogastric Combustion By C-4 Plastique | 12. | Deadmeal | 13. | Chunk Blower |
Humanure (2004) |
 | 1. | Scatology Domine (intro) | 2. | Humanure | 3. | Reduced To Paste | 4. | Bukkake Tsunami | 5. | Cloacula: The Anthropophagic Copromantik | 6. | Chummified | 7. | Applied Human Defragmentation | 8. | The Earthling | 9. | Polyps | 10. | Lips & Assholes | 11. | Men Before Swine (outro) |
Cattle Decapitation/Caninus split 7" (2005) |
 | 1. | Birth. Cancer. Death. | 2. | No Future | 3. | Chili Dispenser | 4. | The Recapitation Of Cattle | 5. | Thrombosis All-In | 6. | Turn On The Masters |
Karma.Bloody.Karma. (2006) |
 | 1. | Intro | 2. | Unintelligent Design | 3. | Success Is… (Hanging By The Neck) | 4. | One Thousand Times Decapitation | 5. | The Carcass Derrick | 6. | Total Gore? | 7. | Bereavement | 8. | Suspended In Coprolite | 9. | Alone At The Landfill | 10. | Karma. Bloody. Karma. | 11. | The New Dawn | 12. | Of Human Pride & Flatulence |
The Harvest Floor (2009) |
 | 1. | The Gardeners of Eden | 2. | A Body Farm | 3. | We are Horrible People | 4. | Tooth Enamel & Concrete | 5. | The Ripe Beneath the Rind | 6. | The Product Alive | 7. | In Axetasy | 8. | Into the Public Bath | 9. | The Harvest Floor | 10. | Regret & the Grave |
Monolith of Inhumanity (2012) |
 | 1. | The Carbon Stampede | 2. | Dead Set on Suicide | 3. | A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat | 4. | Forced Gender Reassignment | 5. | Gristle Licker | 6. | Projectile Ovulation | 7. | Lifestalker | 8. | Do Not Resuscitate | 9. | Your Disposal | 10. | The Monolith | 11. | Kingdom of Tyrants |