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David Bowie Ének, Gitár, Szaxofon : David Bowie

Albumok :

David Bowie (1967)
David Bowie - David Bowie1.Uncle Arthur 
2.Sell Me a Coat 
3.Rubber Band" 
4.Love You Till Tuesday 
5.There Is a Happy Land 
6.We Are Hungry Men 
7.When I Live My Dream 
8.Little Bombardier 
9.Silly Boy Blue 
10.Come and Buy My Toys 
11.Join the Gang 
12.She`s Got Medals 
13.Maid of Bond Street 
14.Please Mr. Gravedigger" 
Space Oddity (1969)
David Bowie - Space Oddity1.Space Oddity 
2.Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed 
3.(Don`t Sit Down) 
4.Letter to Hermione 
5.Cygnet Committee 
7.An Occasional Dream 
8.Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud 
9.God Knows I`m Good 
10.Memory of a Free Festival 
The Man Who Sold the World (1970)
David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World1.The Width of a Circle 
2.All the Madmen 
3.Black Country Rock 
4.After All 
5.Running Gun Blues 
6.Saviour Machine 
7.She Shook Me Cold 
8.The Man Who Sold the World 
9.The Supermen 
Hunky Dory (1971)
David Bowie - Hunky Dory1.Changes 
2.Oh! You Pretty Things 
3.Eight Line Poem 
4.Life on Mars? 
7.Fill Your Heart 
8.Andy Warhol 
9.Song for Bob Dylan 
10.Queen Bitch 
11.The Bewlay Brothers 
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972)
David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust  and the Spiders from Mars1.Five Years 
2.Soul Love 
3.Moonage Daydream 
5.It Ain`t Easy 
6.Lady Stardust 
8.Hang on to Yourself 
9.Ziggy Stardust 
10.Suffragette City 
11.Rock `n` Roll Suicide 
Pin Ups (1973)
David Bowie - Pin Ups1.Rosalyn 
2.Here Comes the Night 
3.I Wish You Would 
4.See Emily Play 
5.Everything`s Alright 
6.I Can`t Explain 
7.Friday on My Mind 
9.Don`t Bring Me Down 
10.Shapes of Things 
11.Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere 
12.Where Have All the Good Times Gone 
Aladdin Sane (1973)
David Bowie - Aladdin Sane1.Watch That Man 
2.Aladdin Sane (1913-1938-197?) 
3.Drive-In Saturday 
4.Panic in Detroit 
5.Cracked Actor 
7.The Prettiest Star 
8.Let`s Spend the Night Together 
9.The Jean Genie 
10.Lady Grinning Soul 
Diamond Dogs (1974)
David Bowie - Diamond Dogs1.Future Legend 
2.Diamond Dogs 
3.Sweet Thing 
5.Sweet Thing (reprise) 
6.Rebel Rebel 
7.Rock `n` Roll with Me 
8.We Are the Dead 
10.Big Brother 
11.Chant of the Ever Circling Skeletal Family 
Young Americans (1975)
David Bowie - Young Americans1.Young Americans 
5.Somebody Up There Likes Me 
6.Across the Universe 
7.Can You Hear Me? 
Station to Station (1976)
David Bowie - Station to Station1.Station to Station 
2.Golden Years 
3.Word on a Wing 
4.TVC 15 
6.Wild Is the Wind 
Low (1977)
David Bowie - Low1.Speed of Life 
2.Breaking Glass 
3.What in the World 
4.Sound and Vision 
5.Always Crashing in the Same Car 
6.Be My Wife 
7.A New Career in a New Town 
9.Art Decade 
10.Weeping Wall 
"Heroes" (1977)
David Bowie - "Heroes"1.Beauty and the Beast 
2.Joe the Lion 
4.Sons of the Silent Age 
6.V-2 Schneider 
7.Sense of Doubt 
8.Moss Garden 
10.The Secret Life of Arabia 
Stage (1978)
David Bowie - Stage1.Hang on to Yourself 
2.Ziggy Stardust 
3.Five Years 
4.Soul Love 
6.Station to Station 
8.TVC 15 
10.Speed of Life 
11.Art Decade 
12.Sense of Doubt 
13.Breaking Glass 
15.What in the World 
17.Beauty and the Beast 
Lodger (1979)
David Bowie - Lodger1.Fantastic Voyage 
2.African Night Flight 
3.Move On 
5.Red Sails 
7.Look Back in Anger 
8.Boys Keep Swinging 
10.Red Money 
Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) (1980)
David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)1.It`s No Game (Part 1) 
2.Up the Hill Backwards 
3.Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) 
4.Ashes to Ashes 
6.Teenage Wildlife 
7.Scream Like a Baby 
8.Kingdom Come 
9.Because You`re Young 
10.It`s No Game (Part 2) 
Let's Dance (1983)
David Bowie - Let1.Modern Love 
2.China Girl 
3.Let`s Dance 
4.Without You 
6.Criminal World 
7.Cat People (Putting Out Fire) 
8.Shake It 
Tonight (1984)
David Bowie - Tonight1.Loving the Alien 
2.Don`t Look Down 
3.Don`t Look Down 
5.Neighborhood Threat 
6.Blue Jean 
7.Tumble and Twirl 
8.I Keep Forgettin` 
9.Dancing with the Big Boys 
Never Let Me Down (1987)
David Bowie - Never Let Me Down1.Day-In Day-Out 
2.Time Will Crawl 
3.Beat of Your Drum 
4.Never Let Me Down 
6.Glass Spider 
7.Shining Star (Makin` My Love) 
8.New York`s in Love 
9.`87 and Cry 
10.Too Dizzy 
11.Bang Bang 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Demon_girl, Lesther Savellys, adrienn19900617, Myra, Kerdu, Deadpoet, OzZyra, Boxie, Domi, enii96, Queen4ever, Linda Daemon, Prométeusz, danee23, Stacey_, -Doom-, MISERY, FluxuskondenzáTHOR, Kiss Vuk, Hosee, kytikozmusz, nephlim, IamevilTami, Got Rioted, DoomAndGloom, Oldskool Motherfucker, Hell Mephisto , murmur, dzsingisz26, pudding, Jonathan Kain, hollow inside, Edeneye, Totty, kicsikibcsi, Totovich, Galatea Kyra, SzandraH, Tündér Mara, Vándor Kariya, babuci, patrik1212, Nyűzli, SŁash, JigsawJohnny, Puddingtime, Morgendorffer, MetalViki666, tt100, cancino_lorena, Suzannek, ctrlalt, Szapirtyó, RockerNeko_chii, shey, DeadKiller, PináThorkettő, Sheenami, Ari

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