vocals, guitars : | Gyimesi Dömötör | |
keyboards : | Mayer János | |
Vocals : | Molnár Mária | |
Guitar : | Kovács Ádám | |
Drums : | Altorjay Domonkos | |
Violin : | Baranyi Krisztina |
Koncertek: | |||
2019-12-08 | Budapest - Dürer - A Hammer Concerts bemutatja: FEMALE METAL VOICES TOUR 2019 Fellépők: Asphodelia, Dark Tears From Space, Devil Seed, Dreamgrave, Esperfall, Forever Still, Leaves` Eyes, Lost In Grey, Meteora, Sirenia, Sunset Symphony, Tears Of Kali Be: 6999Ft. Kezdés: 18:00 Flyer |
Exploring the realm of our dreams in some ethereal balance, unrestrained by definable sound, but in a daunting storm of emotions. Petya777, Dark Heart, - Enkeli -, IAO131, Rocksex, Liana Way, mardezs, Esőtáncos, one of them, Diamante, Lycan, Aiwass93, Hiding Of Hadit, Necromancer, Moonlight Wanderer, KreeZonas, GodofEquinox, Armour Claw Ring, Across The Rubicon , Sostenuto e maestoso , metalbeast, Professor Tauruscat, The great god pan, Equinox of the God, Triumph of Death, Eidolon, Dance of the Plague, Inhumanus, Herne the Hunter, Sztr [ Hibajelentés / Üzenet a profil tulajdonosnak ]
0.0047 s |