T.O.Y. is a German Futurepop/Synthpop band. The project was formerly known as Evils Toy, which was closer to electro-industrial in sound.as Evils ToyEvils Toy started out in 1992 as the project of Volker Lutz and Thorsten Brenda. They duly prepared a demo tape which secured their signature to the Hypnobeat label, who released their debut album "Human Refuse" in 1994. Their combination of distorted vocals and EBM rhythms with occasional touches of melody proved relatively successful, though their real breakthrough came two years later with their "Organics" single, which received significant airplay on both sides of the Atlantic.The "Illusion" album in 1997 was the last by this act that might accurately be defined as "industrial". Even then, there were signs that the band's style was moving towards synthpop, a theory confirmed on the "Angel's Only!" album the following year, which saw a move away from distorted vocals. This was the first Evils Toy recording to feature Oliver Taranczewski, as well as the last recorded with Thorsten Brenda. For background vocals and live keyboards Volker brought in his long-time gilr-friend. She appears in the videos for "Virtual State" and "Dream With Me". "Silvertears" in 2000 was the last release under the name Evils Toy. The project was known as "T.O.Y." thereafter.[edit]as T.O.Y.Soon after renaming themselves, the re-formed band released their first album: "Space Radio", which defined a fresh and revitalized style. Their second album under the name, White Lights, was diverse and followed a similar line that was familiar to listeners of the previous album.The band have produced many remixes for other bands like Apoptygma Berzerk, In Strict Confidence, De/Vision and !Bang Elektronika. Volker has also undertaken many album productions in his SonicStage Recording Studios. He has worked with bands like And One, L'Âme Immortelle, Funker Vogt and Pulcher Femina.In 2004 Volker made a song for the German radio play "The three investigators"-Song contest. Also in 2004, the computer game giant Konami used a special remix done by T.O.Y. on the new PS2 & Xbox release: "Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2". Bands like Neuropa, Echo Image, Alien#Six13 or Midihead have also contributed to the soundtrack.In 2005 Oliver released an album under the name Yavin 4 in the US. An album sounding more like the older Evils Toy releases mixed with modern dance and drum & bass elements. Also he produced the Cruciform Injection album "Aftermath" that has been released in 2006After weak split rumours concerning the future of T.O.Y. they are, in fact, working on new songs. All such songs are more or less raw demos, some with vocals, some without, but represent the kind of music fans expect to hear on the next T.O.Y. release.In May 2009 Oliver left the band for good. Obviously there were different opinions concerning the direction of T.O.Y. and the new songs. Volker will finish the album which will be released in autumn 2009 on his own.[edit]MembersOliver Taranczewski (lyrics, keyboards, sound technician).Volker Lutz (vocals, arrangements, programming, producer).
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2010.06.22. 19:00:42
Igen, mert a többiek nem tudják mi a jó :) |
2010.06.22. 11:12:15
Csakkettenvagyunk(: |
Porcelain Lady with Porcelain Heart.. |

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