Exilia logo
Exilia énekes : Masha
gitáros : Elio Alien
basszus : Privacy
dobos : BH
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Albumok :

Rightside Up (2002)
Exilia - Rightside Up1.1. Keep On Breathing 
2.2. Baby Doll 
3.3. Sweet Rain 
4.4. Rightside Up 
5.5. Excuse Me 
6.6. Venus 
7.7. Always with Me 
8.8. Free to Live 
9.9. Not Me 
10.10. Even If 
Underdog (Single) (2003)
Exilia - Underdog (Single)1.1. Underdog 
2.2. Starseed 
3.3. Moony 
4.4. Where I`m Wrong 
5.5. I Guess You Know 
Stop Playing God (Single Limited Edition) (2004)
Exilia - Stop Playing God (Single Limited Edition)1.01. Stop playing God [watch video]
2.02. Invincible - Bonustrack 
3.03. Lifegame - Bonustrack 
4.04. I guess you know feat. Micha (In Extremo) 
5.05. Girl on a leash - Bonustrack 
6.1. Stop playing God 
Unleashed (Limited Edition) (2004)
Exilia - Unleashed (Limited Edition)1.1. Coincidence [watch video]
2.2. Stop Playing God 
3.3. Day in Hell 
4.4. Underdog 
5.5. Mr. Man 
6.6. Starseed 
7.7. Shout Louder 
8.8. I Guess You Know 
9.9. Without You 
10.10. World Is Fallin` Down 
11.11. Rise When You Fall 
12.12. Heaven`s Gate 
Can't Break Me Down (Single) (2005)
Exilia - Can1.1. Can`t Break Me Down [watch video]
2.2. Before The Dawn 
3.3. Army Of Me 
4.4. Wrong Or Right 
Nobody Excluded (2006)
Exilia - Nobody Excluded1.1. Kill Me [watch video]
2.2. Nobody 
3.3. Destroy My Eyes 
4.4. No Colours 
5.5. Your Rain [watch video]
6.6. Get Sick 
7.7. Speed Of Light 
8.8. Fly High Butterfly 
9.9. My Prophecy 
10.10. In A Coma 
11.11. Cruel 
12.12. Justify Yourself 
13.13. Little Girl In A World 
14.14. Nowhere 
My Own Army (2009)
Exilia - My Own Army1.1. Phoenix 
2.2. Are You Breathing 
3.3. The Hunter 
4.4. I`m Perfect 
5.5. Across The Sky 
6.6. Emptiness Of You 
7.7. Far From The Dark 
8.8. Deleted 
9.9. No Destination 
10.10. In The Air Tonight 
11.11. My Own Army 
12.12. Mangnolia 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Catter_Killer, picus, Norticus, cadbage, anett_, ToxicDoll, Asanc, Antha, Ettis, x_morphine_x, Severille, -l-Beast-l-, Andrew Dravek, Zoya, Wiikk, leutenspieler, Pink Lady, KillerFace, sickrat, - Raven -, csozo, sly, Snape, Sticky Age, Liz, yodamajszter, Avanger x, zsömííí, Silent Sharon, RastaCore, Hitetlen, Palko87, Rockerina, LeXy969, In_nomine, someone, GothHeart, Boszika, slipknotx, Shanon, jusztina, Mortishaa, Anastacia, Drüszinda, guarana, kzolip, Nyekkentyű, 10edes, Gawerath, lacika22, Secret_Of_Moonarcre, Surreal_glamdoll, BlackOrchid

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Hozzászólások :
2009.12.27. 15:08:19
höhhhh :D
tööök jó:D
"elégett minek el kellett égnie, szívemből egy darabot ki kellett tépnie....."

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