Fanatic Attack logo
Fanatic Attack dob : Ploner Patrick
Ének, basszusgitár : Kuczkó Gábor
Gitár, (ex)ének : Pőcze Ádám
(ex)ének : Rettegi György

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Albumok :

Damned World [demo] (2010)
Fanatic Attack - Damned World [demo]1.Thrash! [mp3]
2.Damned World 
3.Brainwashing [mp3]
4.They Want Blood [mp3]
5.Vodka In The Orange [mp3]
Septoxe [demo] (2011)
Fanatic Attack - Septoxe [demo]1.Intro [mp3]
2.Rager [mp3]
3.They Want Blood [mp3]
4.Mad-Ical Toxinhale [mp3]
5.Last Stand [mp3]
6.Fanatic Attackers [mp3]
Fight For A Lie EP (2012)
Fanatic Attack - Fight For A Lie EP1.01. Intro 
2.02. Fight For A Lie 
3.03. Cursed Nation 
4.04. Escape To Madness 
5.05 Flight 240 
6.06. Who Made Us 
Below Vol 1. (V/A) (2012)
Fanatic Attack - Below Vol 1. (V/A)1.SpiritBell - Iceman 
2.Zsarnok - Húsevő Baktérium 
3.Reanimated - Bulemia 
4.Maradandó Károsodás - Ember 
5.Catalepsy - The Murderer Behind The Door 
6.Winterheart - Conscious Dead 
7.Fanatic Attack - Fight For A Lie 
8.Sadistic Mind - Sadistic Mind 
Attack From The Past EP (2013)
Fanatic Attack - Attack From The Past EP1.Fanatic Attackers [mp3]
2.Thrash [mp3]
3.Rager [mp3]
4.Forgotten Roots, Forgotten Memories [mp3]
5.Vodka In The Orange [mp3]
Waiting To Rot (2014)
Fanatic Attack - Waiting To Rot1.Walls 
2.When I Take 
3.Waiting To Rot 
4.Night At The Park 
5.Out Of Order 
6.Bury Me 
8.The Shortest Day 
II (2015)
Fanatic Attack - II1.Intro 
2.No Forgiveness 
4.Close My Eyes 
5.The Eternal Quest 
6.Rush Of Violence 
7.Virtual Existence 
8.Blinded By The Desert Sun 
9.The Haunting Past 
Fantomania Ultra (2016)
Fanatic Attack - Fantomania Ultra1.(Fantom) Vámpír 
2.(Fantom) Lidérces Álom 
3.(Fantom) Öld Meg Isten Szolgáját! 
4.(Fantom) Pusztulj El, Jehova! 
5.(Fantom) Hóhér 
6.(Fantom) Lucifer, Jelenj Meg! 
7.(Fantom) Ártatlan 
8.(Fantom) Hat Perccel A Vég Előtt 
9.(Fantom) Maximális Kegyetlenség 
10.(Fanatic Attack) Vampire 
11.(Fanatic Attack) Nightmare 
12.(Fanatic Attack) Kill The Believers Of God! 
13.(Fanatic Attack) Die, Jahve! 
14.(Fanatic Attack) Executioner 
15.(Fanatic Attack) Lucifer! 
16.(Fanatic Attack) Innocent 
17.(Fanatic Attack) Six Minutes Before The End 
18.(Fanatic Attack) Maximum Cruelty 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
God of Equinox, The Flying Dutchman, Sole Grinder, IAO131, GodofEquinox, Wera, Nevergreen Girl, HungAryan Metal Terrorist, Dance of the Plague, Kristóf1992, KisKípa , Thrashin Devil, Necromancer, friza851, beea, hunbig4 fan, Tyrant Lord76, Szakállgyepál, Mike the Ripper, Moonlight Wanderer, Gemini, Triumph of Death, Golden Dawn, Kisördög93, Aiwass93, Painkiller, JIMMBO, Fearless, NEMESYS, Armour Claw Ring, Equinox of the God, Paranoid, Fiend, varvila, Temple of the Hydra, Menator, Zaum, Faragacs, ThrasherDamien, Birodalmi lépegető, Konzervnyúl, Thrasher27, -God of Equinox-, Inhumanus, Far from christ , Juan Sánchez Villa Lobos Ramírez, Szaporítósejt, The great god pan, Hiding Of Hadit, Sostenuto e maestoso , Across The Rubicon , Professor Tauruscat, Fosbrácsa, Emperor Waltz, Monstrous Goat, Fall of the damned, Eidolon, Heren the Hunter, Herne the Hunter, Tristan Argo

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