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Gorerotted Vokál : Ben McCrow "Goreskin"
Gitár : Tim Carley "Fluffy Offalstench"
Basszusgitár, vokál : Phil Wilson "The Wilson"
Dob : Natte Gould
Gitár : John Pyres

Brutal Death Metal Nagy-Britanniából.

Albumok :

Her Gash I Did Slash (Demo) (1998)
Gorerotted - Her Gash I Did Slash (Demo)1.Limb by Limb 
2.Her Gash I Did Slash 
3.Stab Me Till I Cum 
4.Carrion Smelling 
Promo 1999 (Demo) (1999)
Gorerotted - Promo 1999 (Demo)1.Limb By Limb 
2.Her Gash I Did Slash 
3.Stab Me Till I Cum 
4.Carrion Smelling 
5.Cut, Gut, Beaten And Eaten 
6.Put Your Bits In A Concrete Mix 
7.Corpse Fucking Art 
Mutilated in Minutes (Full-length) (2000)
Gorerotted - Mutilated in Minutes (Full-length)1.HackSore 
2.Bed `Em, Behead `Em 
3.Stab Me Till I Cum 
4.Cut, Gut, Beaten, Eaten 
5.Corpse Fucking Art 
6.Put Your Bits in a Concrete Mix 
7.Mutilated in Minutes, Severed in Seconds 
8.Gagged, Shagged, Bodybagged 
9.Severed, Sawn and Sold As Porn 
Split Your Guts Vol. 1 (Split album) (2003)
Gorerotted - Split Your Guts Vol. 1 (Split album)1.Fuck Your Arse with Broken Glass 
2.Limb by Limb 
4.Faces of Death 
5.Wild Party (Cannibal Freakout 2) 
6.Nightmare City 
7.The Cave of the Cannibal 
8.The Three Mothers 
9.Le Jeudi C`est Sodomie! 
10.Mets Un Suppôt Quand J`éjacule Ca Fera Le Space Mountain 
11.J`t`encule Le Cule 
12.Quand Je Sodo Mimi Mathy Sa Fait Un Méchoui 
13.Oh Les Champions! 
15.Viens Là Suce Ma Bite 
Only Tools And Corpses (Full-length) (2003)
Gorerotted - Only Tools And Corpses (Full-length)1.Zombie Graveyard Rape Bonanza 
2.Hacked in the Back Dumped in a Sack 
3.Fuck Your Arse With Broken Glass 
4.Only Tools and Corpses 
5.Her Gash I Did Slash 
6.Can`t Fit Her Limbs in the Fridge 
7.Village People of the Damned 
8.Masticated By the Spasticated 
9.To Catch a Killer 
A New Dawn for the Dead (Full-length) (2005)
Gorerotted - A New Dawn for the Dead (Full-length)1....and Everything Went Black 
2.Pain As a Prelude to Death 
3.Nervous Gibbering Wreck 
4.Adding Insult to Injury 
5.Fable of Filth 
6.Dead Drunk 
7.A Very Grave Business 
8.Horrorday in Haiti 
9.Selection and Dissection of Parts for Resurrection 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Pöti, Nitroglicerin, +MORTEM+, mortemfront, HungAryan Metal Terrorist, GoreAtien Alphonse Francoise Thorsten, Rapi85, suffer, Devoured By Vermin, FistofGod, Szaji666, SARKUS, schenker666, Gabecore, SANyI_ka, Sin Cara, Wax, Turcsi, Deicide666, Barlangi Troll666, Vérthányó Szent Denevérszar, Kenny9, TheTrueMotherRoad, Asphyxiation, Hellbull, NAGLFAR666, Gébriel, 6 6 6, Ohgre, A mester, Styx Cenobite, néha

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Hozzászólások :
Devoured By Vermin
Devoured By Vermin
2011.04.08. 22:35:38
Oszt? :D
"She likes the way it felt inside her! Fucking her! Harder! HARDER!!!"
GoreAtien Alphonse Francoise Thorsten
GoreAtien Alphonse Francoise Thorsten
2011.01.26. 10:25:46
Már van az új bandáról profil :D
GoreAtien Aplhonse Francoise Thorsten de Sade

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