Brutal Death Metal Nagy-Britanniából.
Her Gash I Did Slash (Demo) (1998) |
 | 1. | Limb by Limb | 2. | Her Gash I Did Slash | 3. | Stab Me Till I Cum | 4. | Carrion Smelling |
Promo 1999 (Demo) (1999) |
 | 1. | Limb By Limb | 2. | Her Gash I Did Slash | 3. | Stab Me Till I Cum | 4. | Carrion Smelling | 5. | Cut, Gut, Beaten And Eaten | 6. | Put Your Bits In A Concrete Mix | 7. | Corpse Fucking Art |
Mutilated in Minutes (Full-length) (2000) |
 | 1. | HackSore | 2. | Bed `Em, Behead `Em | 3. | Stab Me Till I Cum | 4. | Cut, Gut, Beaten, Eaten | 5. | Corpse Fucking Art | 6. | Put Your Bits in a Concrete Mix | 7. | Mutilated in Minutes, Severed in Seconds | 8. | Gagged, Shagged, Bodybagged | 9. | Severed, Sawn and Sold As Porn |
Split Your Guts Vol. 1 (Split album) (2003) |
 | 1. | Fuck Your Arse with Broken Glass | 2. | Limb by Limb | 3. | Carrion-Smelling | 4. | Faces of Death | 5. | Wild Party (Cannibal Freakout 2) | 6. | Nightmare City | 7. | The Cave of the Cannibal | 8. | The Three Mothers | 9. | Le Jeudi C`est Sodomie! | 10. | Mets Un Suppôt Quand J`éjacule Ca Fera Le Space Mountain | 11. | J`t`encule Le Cule | 12. | Quand Je Sodo Mimi Mathy Sa Fait Un Méchoui | 13. | Oh Les Champions! | 14. | Stages | 15. | Viens Là Suce Ma Bite |
Only Tools And Corpses (Full-length) (2003) |
 | 1. | Zombie Graveyard Rape Bonanza | 2. | Hacked in the Back Dumped in a Sack | 3. | Fuck Your Arse With Broken Glass | 4. | Only Tools and Corpses | 5. | Her Gash I Did Slash | 6. | Can`t Fit Her Limbs in the Fridge | 7. | Village People of the Damned | 8. | Masticated By the Spasticated | 9. | To Catch a Killer |
A New Dawn for the Dead (Full-length) (2005) |
 | 1. | ...and Everything Went Black | 2. | Pain As a Prelude to Death | 3. | Nervous Gibbering Wreck | 4. | Adding Insult to Injury | 5. | Fable of Filth | 6. | Dead Drunk | 7. | A Very Grave Business | 8. | Horrorday in Haiti | 9. | Selection and Dissection of Parts for Resurrection |