Amerikai thrash metal zenekar.
1983-ban alakultak, '93-ban feloszlottak, majd 2004-ben újra összeálltak.


Stacy Andersen (1983-1988, 2007-)
Reggie Rufin (1990-1991)
Jeff Kiney (1992-1993)
Steve Cannon (2004)
Tommy Stewart - ének (2004-2007), basszer (1983-)
Doyle Bright (2007-)
Chris Abbamonte (2007-)
David Stuart (1983-1990)
Pete Palumbo (1991-1993)
Dwayne Monk (2004)
Steve "Skellator" Shoemaker - ének (2004-2006), gitár (1983-1985, 2004-2006)
Sean Vinson (2006)
Brandon Ottinger (2004-2005, 2006-2007)
Jon Kilgore (2006-2007)
Jim Gorman (2007-)
Tym Helton (1983-1984, 1985-1987)
Ronny Appoldt (1984-1985)
Rob Clayton (R.I.P.) (1987-1988)
Tom Knight (1988-1989)
Paul Kopchinski (1988)
Tod Pack (1988)
Steve Hofer (1992-1993)
Derek McQuithy (1993)
Michael Shawn Anderson (1990-1992, 2005)
Dane Jensen (2004-2007)


1984 - Tales of Terror (demo)

1. Hallows Eve
2. Metal Merchants


1985 - Tales of Terror

1. Plunging To Megadeath
2. Outer Limits
3. Horrorshow
4. The Mansion
5. There Are No Rules
6. Valley Of The Dolls
7. Metal Merchants
8. Hallows Eve (Including Routine)


1986 - Death & Insanity

1. Death and Insanity
2. Goblet of Gore
3. Lethal Tendencies
4. Obituary
5. Plea of the Aged
6. Suicide
7. D.I.E.
8. Attack of the Iguana
9. Nefarious
10. Nobody Lives Forever
11. Death and Insanity (Reprise)


1988 - Monument

1. Speed Freak 05:24
2. Sheer Heart Attack (Queen Cover)
3. Rot Gut 04:14
4. Monument (To Nothing)
5. Pain Killer 05:29
6. The Mighty Decibel
7. The Righteous Ones
8. No Sanctuary


2004 - Evil Offerings (single)

1. Technicolour Roadkill
2. Looking Glass


2005 - Evil Never Dies

1. Soldier
2. Monkey's Paw
3. Technicolour Roadkill
4. Looking Glass
5. Sweetest Tongue, Sharpest Tooth
6. Interlude
7. Vampires Drink Deep
8. Evil Never Dies (Including Black Queen
9. The Ballad Of Mortuary Harry


2006 - History of Terror (best of)

1 CD
1. Plunging to Megadeath
2. Outer Limits
3. Horrorshow
4. The Mansion
5. There Are No Rules
6. Valley of the Dolls (Instrumental)
7. Metal Merchants
8. Hallows Eve
9. Death and Insanity
10. Goblet of Gore
11. Leathal Tendencies
12. Obituary (Instrumental)
13. Plea of the Aged
14. Suicide
15. D. I. E. (Death In Effect)
16. Attack of the Iguana (Instrumental)
17. Nefarious
18. Nobody Lives Forever
19. Death and Insanity (Reprise)
20. The Mansion
21. Metal Prisoners

2 CD
1. Speed Freak 05:24
2. Sheer Heart Attack
3. Rot Gut 04:13
4. Monument 05:09
5. Pain Killer 05:29
6. The Mighty Decibel
7. The Righteous Ones
8. No Sanctuary
9. Hallows Eve
10. Metal Merchants
11. Scream in the Night
12. There Are No Rules
13. Eighteen
14. Hallows Eve

3 CD
1. Plunging to Megadeath
2. Valley of the Dolls
3. Suicide
4. Attack of the Iguana
5. Lethal Tendencies
6. Evil Offerings
7. The Mansion
8. Metal Merchants
9. Hallows Eve
10. Plea of the Aged
11. Horrorshow
12. Goblet of Gore
13. Nefarious
14. Death and Insanity
15. Lethal Tendencies
16. D.I.E.
17. Nefarious
18. Horrorshow

4 CD
1. Pain Killer
2. No Sanctuary
3. Goblet of Gore
4. Rot Gut
5. Monument
6. D.I.E.
7. Speed Freak
8. Drum Solo - Tm Knight
9. The Mighty Decibel
10. Death and Insanity
11. Valley of the Dolls
12. Metal Merchants
13. Sheer Heart Attack
14. Rif Raff
15. Goblet of Gore
16. Valley of the Dolls
17. Suicide
18. Plunging to Megadeath
19. Horrorshow
20. D.I.E.
21. Attack of the Iguana
22. Death and Insanity
23. Lethal Tendencies
24. Plea of the Aged
25. Metal Merchants
26. Hallows Eve
27. (Intro) Obituary
28. Goblet of Gore
29. Nefarious
30. Valley of the Dolls
31. Suicide
32. D.I.E.
33. Attack of the Iguana
34. Death and Insanity
35. Lethal Tendencies
36. Plunging to Megadeath
37. Metal Merchants
38. Hallows Eve
39. Evil Offerings
40. (Intro) Obituary
41. Goblet of Gore
42. Plunging to Megadeath
43. D.I.E.
44. Metal Merchants
45. Hallows Eve


2008 - The Never-Ending Sleep

1. Night of the Never-Ending Sleep
2. Dominion Resurrected
3. Army of One
4. Dance of the Dead
5. 72 Virgins
6. Bed of Nails
7. Interface
8. Doors of Misery
9. Through Dark And Dawn
10. The Sun Must Die


Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Agyhalál, Kristóf1992, morgul, ABSTRACTION, Menator, Motorbúra, Thrashin Devil, Sörfőzdei Fosztogató, Norsk, HungAryan Metal Terrorist, Schuldiner, _KAI_, ősember, Mocsok, roboszt, Alien Force, Midknight

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