Prestige (FIN) logo
Prestige (FIN) Ének/Basszus : Aku Kytölä
Gitár : Ari Karppinen
Gitár : Jan "Örkki" Yrlund
Dob : Tero Karppinen

Thrash 'Till Fuckin Death!


Thrash Metal


1987 - 1993 * 2007 -




Albumok :

Gods /Demo/ (1988)
Prestige (FIN) - Gods /Demo/1.Gods 
2.Force of My Hate 
3.Brain Outburst 
4.Punishment [watch video]
5.Angels Cry 
Attack Against Gnomes /Lp/ (1989)
Prestige (FIN) - Attack Against Gnomes /Lp/1.Intro / It`s Over 
2.Force of My Hate [watch video]
3.Dead by Drugs [watch video]
4.Attack Against Gnomes 
5.Rotten Angel [watch video]
8.Brain Outburst 
10.Angels Cry [watch video]
11.This World 
Veijo /Ep/ (1989)
Prestige (FIN) - Veijo /Ep/1.Veijo 
2.I Need Food 
5.Ei ihraa mun lautaselle 
Priest /7"Ep/ (1990)
Prestige (FIN) - Priest /7"Ep/1.Priest 
2.Help the Science 
3.Wake Up (It`s Just a Nightmare) 
Selling The Salvation /Lp/ (1990)
Prestige (FIN) - Selling The Salvation /Lp/1.Intro (instrumental) 
2.Species to Pieces [watch video]
4.Help the Science [watch video]
5.I Don`t Wanna Play with Teddy 
6.Selling the Salvation [watch video]
8.Bed Time Story [watch video]
9.Miserable Life [watch video]
10.Sexual Education 
11.Naughty Granny 
12.Violence (Makes No Sense) 
Parasites in Paradise /Lp/ (1992)
Prestige (FIN) - Parasites in Paradise /Lp/1.Parasites in Paradise (intro) 
2.Will This Ever End? [watch video]
3.Crack Children 
4.Sniff [watch video]
7.That Makes Me Sick 
8.Too Greedy 
9.From the Cradle to the Grave 
10.Hop 2, 3, 4 
11.Break the Ice 
12.Thursday the 12th 
13.Lack of Sanity 
14.I Ain`t the One [watch video]
Decades of Decay /Best Of Comp./ (2007)
Prestige (FIN) - Decades of Decay /Best Of Comp./1.Force of My Hate 
2.Angels Cry 
3.It`s Over 
4.Dead by Drugs 
5.This World 
6.Bed Time Story 
7.Species to Pieces 
8.Miserable Life 
9.Sexual Education 
11.Crack Children 
13.Will This Ever End? 
14.Lack of Sanity 
15.From the Cradle to the Grave 
16.Too Greedy 
17./Disc 2/ Priest 
18./Disc 2/ Help the Science 
19./Disc 2/ Wake Up 
20./Disc 2/ Naughty Granny 
21./Disc 2/ Rotten Angel 
22./Disc 2/ Rabb-It 
23./Disc 2/ I Don`t Wanna Play With Teddy 
24./Disc 2/ Hop 2, 3, 4 
25./Disc 2/ I Ain`t the One 
26./Disc 2/ Veijo [watch video]
27./Disc 2/ I Need Food 
28./Disc 2/ Radiated 
29./Disc 2/ Jani 
30./Disc 2/ Ei ihraa mun lautaselle 
31./Disc 2/ Rakkauslaulu 
32./Disc 2/ Gods 
33./Disc 2/ Force of My Hate 
34./Disc 2/ Brain Outburst 
35./Disc 2/ Punishment 
36./Disc 2/ Angels Cry 

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
EXODUci, Crustover Thrasher, Thrashin Devil, fannishaddix

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